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January 2010 Blog Posts (51)

Inspiring speech that's worthy of a listen.......

If you have a spare 20 mins or so, have a wee listen to this. The woman is pretty impressive.

Added by Vlad on January 31, 2010 at 11:00am — No Comments

Becoming Friends with clients...

I have been having some really great discussions on here and on Facebook and my websites about the therapeutic relationship and what happens when you become friends with clients or engage in other dual relationships with them -nothing illegal like dating clients or sex of course but trading services like accounting or tax help and seeing clients socially.

I never was taught anything about this and in fact when I started out 22 years ago, massage was more of a lifestyle choice than… Continue

Added by Julie Onofrio on January 31, 2010 at 2:02am — 10 Comments

A little about me

I just wanted to say a little about myself so my virtual friends know a little bit about who I am.

First of all, I'm a single mother to a very boistrous, nearly 4 year old little girl named Audrey. She's my pride and joy and my reason for going back to school to make a better life for us. I want to lead her and show her that no matter what trials and tribulations she may go through on her journey she can make a name for herself and be an independent woman.

I'm currently a… Continue

Added by Stephanie Garner, LMT on January 29, 2010 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

The Problem with Affluenza

My sisters and I live far apart, but we have an amazonian connection. In other words, we like to order books and send them to each other through amazon, then we'll email or skype each other about what we thought of them. My sister in Ireland has a habit of sending me fiction that makes me laugh out loud or cry - if it gets that much of an emotional response from me then it's a good book in my view. One time she sent me some non-fiction that nearly made me cry for a different… Continue

Added by Vlad on January 29, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Just released - the 2nd Draft of the Massage Therapy Body of Knowledge

We have just released the 2nd draft of the MTBOK as scheduled, and its available to download at along with a brief press release.

I hope you will go to the site, download the document, read it and provide us with your comments (a link to our online comment form is on the site and on the first page of the MTBOK document).

We will hold a formal comment period open until March 8, 2010. In my opinion this is the most… Continue

Added by Chip Hines on January 29, 2010 at 10:30am — 6 Comments

Connective tissue is an important tissue... one more reason to know more about it!

Yesterday in the NY Times, Sports section there was an article "Studies Link Rare Ailment in Cartilage to Pain Pumps" that was rather unfortunate. The article was about young athletes who went in for basic shoulder surgeries like one for a torn labrum and a couple of years later developed chondrolysis - an "ailment" where the cartilage degenerates, dies and leaves the joint to grind together. As with all medical mishaps the article shows everyone from the anesthetic companies right down to the… Continue

Added by Sue Hitzmann on January 29, 2010 at 7:34am — 1 Comment

Why The Festival Versus Other Conventions!

Video Chart (Pause as you need… Continue

Added by Mike Hinkle on January 28, 2010 at 2:18pm — 3 Comments

The future of medicine

This is just a give a perspective:

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."

Thomas Alva Edison

I take a tough line approach... so here's my translation;

Being well means your not part of the problem.

I've worked both sides of the fence for many years. If your reading this, you are the future… Continue

Added by Stev Pitt on January 28, 2010 at 9:09am — No Comments

Facebook, Social Networking, and Boundaries

I admit it; I enjoy seeing what other people are up to on Facebook. In between the new wedding, vacation, and baby pictures are status updates about my friends’ daily lives, including: waking up with hangovers, supper plans, bra colors for breast cancer awareness, and complaints about the weather. I know there many who are using Facebook as a way to market their businesses and keep in touch with family and friends. While social networking creates a great way to keep in contact with friends,… Continue

Added by Ivy Hultquist on January 28, 2010 at 9:00am — 6 Comments

The purpose of life

Do as much as you can, for as many as you can, for as long as you can

Added by Yosel Tarnofsky on January 28, 2010 at 8:37am — No Comments

Scam Against MT

This has been mentioned before but for the newbies (myself included) who might not have caught it the first time, I am putting it out again so MTS do not fall victim. I was all excited upon receiving my own variation of this email and went through the process of communicating and then something just didn't feel right, I had an odd feeling. So I did some research and found that this has happened before as well. The scam is the person sends more $ than the agreed upon price and says that the trip… Continue

Added by Dien Huynh NCTMB on January 28, 2010 at 7:04am — No Comments

more animal massage talk....

I'm happy to have another chance to talk about animal massage via radio. This time it will be with the Natural Horse Network's radio show on Friday January 29th. The link is to listen live or anytime later. Come take a listen! (Note: Yes, the time is 5:00 as posted, but only if you're in Mountain Time!)

Added by Megan Ayrault on January 28, 2010 at 1:00am — No Comments

MTBOK 2nd Draft to be published on Friday, Jan 29, 2010

We are just around the corner from starting the e-presses and pushing out the 2nd draft of the MTBOK, and its a busy week! On friday the new draft will go up on the MTBOK website ( as an Adobe Acrobat file available for download. We are putting up a new link to a comment form so that we can get your suggestions, updates and recommendations.

As before, the comment form has a couple of questions about who your are or represent… Continue

Added by Chip Hines on January 27, 2010 at 3:55pm — 3 Comments

NCBTMB: Setting the Record Straight

I’m borrowing this title from an actual press release from the NCBTMB, dated August 21, 2007. I don’t have the space here to print the whole thing, so please follow this link and read it. If you’re unfamiliar with the past history of the NCB in recent years, it will give you some insight.

The rumor mill seems to be working overtime these days when… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on January 27, 2010 at 5:33am — No Comments

Expect More, with Les - January 25, 2010

The View from There - When you share your opinion, don't forget to check the facts.

Added by Les Sweeney on January 25, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

contact dermatitis from laundered sheets

two dermatologists, one allergist, one emergency room visit, one family doctor visit ........and the winner was another therapist who has the same rash for three years ----- it was the laundered sheets.......they put something on them for a longer shelf more rash using my own sheets.............amazing

Added by mary clarkson on January 25, 2010 at 5:08pm — 4 Comments

My poor wee legs.

I'm training (again) for a half marathon here in April, just before I leave to head back to Scotland.

Over the last few weeks I've noticed some pain in my legs. It's predominantly my left leg, but just a little there on the right as well.

I saw my MT this past week and she confirmed that something funky was going on, so I decided to do some investigation.

It looks like I have a touch of Peroneal Tendinitis.

I need to get stretching and working on more immediate care for it,… Continue

Added by Sally Chamness on January 25, 2010 at 6:51am — 2 Comments

Thai Yoga Man

Just moved back to Chicago after being in California for over 25 years. Does anyone know any yoga schools or Wellness Centers that would be interested in having some one working with them who has over 20 years of experience teaching and practicing Thai Yoga?

Added by Yosel Tarnofsky on January 24, 2010 at 9:27am — 2 Comments

Workshop location in Miami, FL needed for one day 07 May 2010

Does anybody know of a massage school or community college or large massage practice in Miami, FL where a large room would be available for the day on 07 May, 2010? I emailed one massage school in Miami two weeks ago but have not heard back from them. Ideally I'm looking for a room which already has at least four massage tables in it and can provide more if needed. Thanks!

Added by Irmgard Rodgers on January 23, 2010 at 1:26am — No Comments

Supplemental Research Literature Search for dissertation

I'm doing my dissertation for my PhD degree, and I need some advice from experts in the area.

My research question is: What is the relation between therapeutic massage and the urine pH value after the intervention?

Does any know about any published or unpublished study about the topic? I did my online search but is insufficient.

I would really appreciate your guidance.

Added by Wanda Bonet-Gascot on January 22, 2010 at 11:37pm — No Comments

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