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October 2010 Blog Posts (23)

Ancient Ways of Healing Retreat with Jenny Ray and Phil Morgan: Tubac, AZ (February 8-15, 2011)

Our dream is to create a community to support healers committed to bringing wellness to all. Through the gift of becoming ceremony in each of our

lives we hold a place of healing for ourselves and others. With our

commitment to this work we bring to our own communities support to renew

the wellness of the people, the animals, and the earth.

This retreat is envisioned as the first of our circles as we reach out to… Continue

Added by Jenny Ray on October 29, 2010 at 8:29am — 2 Comments

Stone Medicine Classes in VA have been rescheduled

For anyone interested, the VA retreat has been rescheduled and rearranged a little bit. The new information is below:

Jenny Ray will be coming to Virginia to teach a number of wonderful, inspiring classes. Instead of being a retreat style offering, each class will be offered individually. For more information about any of the classes below, please contact Sandra at or 540-801-0078.

For more information about the… Continue

Added by Jenny Ray on October 29, 2010 at 8:19am — No Comments

Expanding Business. . .scary

Hi Everyone,

I need some advice. I am expanding my "day spa" from a one person entity to a three to four person. I have been able to offer massage, infra-red, dry heat sauna, paraffin treatments, and body scrubs and polishes.

I plan to expand to bring in more revenue, teach what I have learned and give my poor body time to recoup. I have specific questions for a spa owner and would appreciate any time that I can have with someone smarter than me about the change… Continue

Added by Elizabeth Lee on October 28, 2010 at 8:54am — 1 Comment

Poof! A new client appears. It's Magic!

My 3 year old told me about his magic hat today. Driving him back from

preschool he told me he was playing magician with the other kids and

made twigs appear from his magic hat. Poof!

Got me to thinking about my experience with a lot of struggling therapists who felt like they

had put a ton of energy into developing their skills as MT's, but were

having a hard time getting new clients to come in the door. They were

expecting the same kind of magic. "I will become… Continue

Added by Mark Volkmann on October 27, 2010 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Rooting For The Underdog, Part 2 (Football and Therapy, W-0, L-6)

Close game, outcome the same…

When I decided to begin teaching my own brand of Myofascial Release trainings, I was asked; “Why would you want to start this, when there are so many people who are big in the field?”. I knew right away they

had just answered their own question.

I am grateful of the training I received in continuing education from a wide variety of sources, and I am looking to learn more. My education continues. But the one thing I…


Added by Walt Fritz, PT on October 26, 2010 at 7:46pm — No Comments

How to make $100,000 a year as a Massage Therapist

The typical college grad, after 4 years of school and often tens of thousands in student loan debt can expect to make $30,000 a year or less (if they can get a job at all now). An experienced 5+ year professional in demand can make $60,000 a year. Of course this varies from industry to industry, from city to city, but my point is this: Massage Therapists typically think in terms of hours, most other professions think in terms of a year when it comes to income. And when you start your career…


Added by Mark Volkmann on October 21, 2010 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

I Went to Massage Envy Yesterday

I had to experience it first hand. MT's are feeling pretty passionate about how it's affected the industry and I wanted to experience it for myself before creating my own opinion.

So here's what I experienced:

1) I booked a Sports Massage. What I got was a weak Swedish massage that neglected to address my low back, glutes, shoulders, occiput and head entirely. The strokes and technique used indicated a complete lack of understanding of muscle anatomy and/physiology. ( 1…


Added by Mark Volkmann on October 20, 2010 at 12:29pm — 53 Comments

Expect More, with Les - October 19, 2010

Musical Chairs - 1 + 1 = One Too Many.

I recently received a press release from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) and an email from its CEO Paul Lindamood, updating me on the progress of the National Certification for Advanced Practice (NCAP) exam. As you can see from its diagram above...

Added by Les Sweeney on October 19, 2010 at 12:33pm — No Comments

Ideas and Methods for building a vibrant Massage Practice

20 years of experience starting, growing and managing massage businesses from 1 to 100 people has provided me with unique insights into what it takes to grow and maintain a vibrant massage practice today.

Things are changing quickly, and professional massage therapists to adapt and grow if they are to realize their goals of bringing positive change to the world one compassionate person at a time.…


Added by Mark Volkmann on October 18, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments

The Language We Use, Part 2 (Football and Therapy, W-0, L-5)

My previous post on the “Language We Use” garnered a few replies here and on other sites, though not as much as I had hoped. I feel like I may have hit a raw nerve in many.

I believe that I, like many of you, get so caught up in the enthusiasm of learning a new modality that we forget to touch base with reality. It is not my point to trash anyone’s beliefs or manner of

explanation. I simply ask whether you have ever stepped back and

analyzed the language that…


Added by Walt Fritz, PT on October 18, 2010 at 10:53am — 3 Comments

Addressing Your Massage Clients' Needs

Aside from effective massage techniques, one of the most important aspects to giving a good massage is to understand and address your massage client's needs. By fully understanding your client's issues, problem areas, and preferred treatment methods, you can be well prepared to address a number of the unique client-specific issues that you will encounter during your career as a massage therapist and will ready you for consistently giving a good massage.

Conduct an… Continue

Added by Laurie Craig on October 13, 2010 at 4:05pm — No Comments

Forsale Massage Business in Coral Springs Florida $39,000 will finance with $20,000 down

Hello Everyone,

My name is Theresa Junaid and I have owned my Massage business for 2 years. My hands are just about out of commission do to carpal tunnel. So, I am forced to sell. I wish I did not have to sell but I must. This is a beautiful location located in a tranguil medical complex.

About my business: it is approximately 875 sq. ft. and BEAUTIFUL. We have a large client waiting area very warm and serene, reception area, 2 treatment rooms, meditation room,…


Added by Theresa Junaid LMT, LE, RS on October 11, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments

My Picks for the NCBTMB Election

This was not an easy task for me this time; almost everyone of these people is on my Facebook, and several of them are people that I actually know in person. It was a very hard call for me to choose one over another, and I don’t intend any bad reflection on the ones I didn’t choose. I always admire it when anyone is willing to step up to the plate and volunteer for what is basically a thankless job. Service on any board is very time-consuming, requires conference calls that drag on…


Added by Laura Allen on October 10, 2010 at 7:25am — 1 Comment

Alliance to Hold 2011 Conference in Beautiful Charleston, SC

The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education has selected the world-class destination of Charleston, South Carolina for its Second Annual Conference. The meeting will be held August 16-20, 2011, at the Charleston Marriott Hotel, overlooking the Ashley River.

With a theme of Bringing Teaching to the Next… Continue

Added by Rick Rosen on October 9, 2010 at 9:11am — 1 Comment

Misconceptions about knee pain "its deep in the joint/cartilage, arthritic, part of getting older?" simple solutions for you and your clients.

I have recently asked all my clients about their knee pain. They had not perceived massage as able to offer effective relief as they frequently thought it was bone or cartilage pain.

The following, is a suggested method you can try, on a big cross section of your clients from athletes to chronic pain sufferers.

First practice this during "swap treatments " with your fellow massage…


Added by Stephen Jeffrey on October 6, 2010 at 2:30pm — 4 Comments

Say "Yes!" to Your Professional Association

What does the survival of your practice have to do with being a member of your professional association? Plenty.

As practitioners we often focus on the micro-management – attracting and retaining business, recognizing referral sources, negotiating agreements, managing finances, charting, etc. – factors within our direct control and influence. However, our businesses are not islands unto themselves and are affected by multi-layered external frameworks such as…


Added by Don Dillon, RMT on October 6, 2010 at 10:40am — No Comments

Alliance Supports MBLEx as Exclusive Credentialing Exam

The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education has chosen to support the Massage & Bodywork Therapy Licensing Examination (MBLEx) as the exclusive examination for entry-level credentialing in the field of massage therapy. This exam, offered by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) is the preferred choice for graduates of massage therapy schools who are seeking state licensure, certification or registration.

As the representative of… Continue

Added by Rick Rosen on October 5, 2010 at 8:30am — No Comments

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