Yesterday I asked some fellow massage therapists, "How many use massage as a bartering tool? What cool experiences will you share with us?"
In less than a day there were over sixty replies, most of which were simple explanations of what therapists bartered for.
There were a couple who don't barter for one reason or another.
What interested me were the personal messages from therapists who were a bit leary of 'going against the flow,' and making a public…
Added by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin on November 30, 2009 at 10:38pm —
The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education, a new independent non-profit organization for massage schools and educators, has been conducting a FOUNDING MEMBER CAMPAIGN. In just a seven-week period,
this effort has generated $40,000 in contributions that will be used to launch the Alliance. The Leadership Team is pleased to announce that this campaign is being extended by one month, to December 31, 2009. This is in response to requests from a number of schools, CE providers and…
Added by Rick Rosen on November 30, 2009 at 10:00pm —
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Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from the Angel of Enthusiasm-“Go for it! There are no limits to what you can achieve if you put your heart into it. You can do it!"
Click Here for another Inspirational Message from the… Continue
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 30, 2009 at 3:00pm —
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Sooner or later, moving a part of massage practices into the health care realm is going to require a split between the evidence-based part and the no-scientific-basis (and, in some parts, direct contradiction to known science) part. The reasons are all too clear, as seen in this article by one of the well-regarded heath care "twitterers" I follow.
Healthcare Reform Bills… Continue
Added by Keith Eric Grant on November 30, 2009 at 11:01am —
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SInce spending a year in Thailand, and learning Thai massage, it has become more apparent to me how beneficial it can be to start a massage at the feet. This has a "grounding effect," and since so many of us live in our heads, and not our bodies; starting a massage at the feet has an almost immediate effect of calming a person.
Let's review the location and functions of one of the primary points on the feet, Kidney 1.
This point is located on the sole of the foot, between…
Added by Jim Spears on November 29, 2009 at 8:13pm —
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Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from the Angel of Loving Abundance. “It is in loving and serving others that we find our true Self and tap into the Loving Abundance of the Universe."
Click Here… Continue
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 29, 2009 at 4:30pm —
1 Comment
Anyone out there practicing either acupressure or Thai massage? I have been doing acupressure and tuina for many years, but only recently started learning Thai massage. I have a lot of influence from the Chinese systems, and its interesting to compare how Thai massage works with the meridians versus the traditional Chinese styles. Overall I would have to say that the Chinese tend to emphasize massaging the symptomatic areas, whereas the Thai focus on the whole meridian system. Any ideas on when…
Added by Jim Spears on November 29, 2009 at 12:30am —
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The Angel Message for Today comes from the Angel of New Growth,"Welcome change as it promotes new growth and understandings. Life is movement."
The Angel reading comes from the book Sacred Wisdom by… Continue
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 28, 2009 at 5:30pm —
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A small bit of discussion around my last post brought to mind cardiologist Bernard Lown's book, "
The Lost Art of Healing". I recalled Lown's story of a very sick cardiology patient who, upon overhearing that his heart was galloping, felt the way open to getting better. Not knowing that galloping was a not particularly good sign, he decided that if his heart was good enough to gallop then it…
Added by Keith Eric Grant on November 28, 2009 at 4:22pm —
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The Integrated Healthcare Policy Consortium is requesting our help. We need to ACT NOW!!!! Please send this thread to everyone you know----massage therapists, practitioners, friends, family, etc.
By communicating with the Federal Policymakers, we can ensure that our voices will be heard and that the…
Added by Angela Palmier on November 28, 2009 at 10:38am —
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I've been living in Thailand for 1 year now, and have learned some truly amazing massage techniques. Before moving here I lived in China, and have studied acupressure, tuina, and acupuncture. I have practiced acupuncture for 11 years but since moving to Thailand I have taken more interest in massage.
Yippie, today I'm going to take the first step in producing a short video clip on Thai massage. Been waiting a while to do this.
Added by Jim Spears on November 27, 2009 at 11:26pm —
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Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from the Angel of Reflection -“Punctuate your Life with moments of stillness, for in such moments your true nature is revealed, The churning river moves the sediment but reflects nothing."
Click… Continue
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 27, 2009 at 6:00pm —
1 Comment
When muscles are first learned, it is classically the concentric (shortening) contractions that are first learned. Unfortunately, this is often as far as many students progress when learning about the musculoskeletal system. If a snapshot were taken at any one instant in time during a motion pattern, less than half of the contractions that are occurring in the body would actually be concentric contractions of movers (agonists). There are also the eccentric contractions of antagonists and the…
Added by Joseph E. Muscolino on November 27, 2009 at 1:35pm —
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Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from Archangel Michael "Call upon Me when all else has failed. I will instantly come to you, wrap my wings around you, and surround you with the Golden Light of Unconditional Love. Do not despair for the Angels are ever with you."
Click… Continue
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 26, 2009 at 4:00pm —
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Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from the Angel of Light - Lei Andra. “The light of Love shines the brightest in the darkest places."
Click Here for another Inspirational Message from the Angels.… Continue
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 25, 2009 at 3:30pm —
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Picked this up via @jackofkent (Twitter feed). Discussion model that one can expect more and more in anything health care connected.
Evidence Check: Homeopathy.
Added by Keith Eric Grant on November 25, 2009 at 2:12pm —
article abstract that I ran into while searching on PubMed.
Jane Buckle,
Literature review: should nursing take aromatherapy more seriously? British Journal of Nursing, Vol. 16, Iss. 2, 25 Jan 2007, pp 116 - 120
Added by Keith Eric Grant on November 25, 2009 at 12:33pm —
1 Comment

Angel Message for Today
The Angel message for today comes from Mary Magdalene, She embodies the Sacred Vibration of Peace and Compassion and helps us to access the higher spiritual knowledge and understanding within us all. Mary Magdalene emanates and broadcasts the highest vibration of Pure Unconditional Love. If you tune into her vibration you will feel it in the Heart Chakra as you begin to release the negative energies…
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 24, 2009 at 4:30pm —
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When infectious illness such as colds and flu are around, vaporise one of the following blends according to personal preference. Put the essential oil into a 50 ml dark glass bottle, fill the bottle with purified water and shake well. Add a small amount of the blend to the reservoir of a nightlight burner or electric vaporiser. Remember to shake the bottle each time before use to disperse the essential oil.
Recipe 1
50 ml water
8 drops eucalyptus
6 drops…
Added by Marlene M. Mitchell on November 24, 2009 at 1:12pm —
Thanks and Praise - A tiny drop in the bucket of gratitude.
Added by Les Sweeney on November 24, 2009 at 11:41am —
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