massage and bodywork professionals

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Lauriann Greene, CEAS's Blog (3)

Self-care takes effort - but it's worth it!

An interesting subject came up in a recent interview for a Dutch massage magazine. After speaking for a while, the interviewer said to me "so it sounds like you expect therapists to rearrange their home life and work life. That sounds like a lot of effort - do you think they'll be willing to do that?" I found that to be a surprising question, but I realized that a lot of therapists probably are thinking the same thing: wow, it takes a lot of effort and thought to prevent injury.

Well,… Continue

Added by Lauriann Greene, CEAS on March 30, 2010 at 8:51am — 8 Comments

Statistics on symptoms and injury among massage therapists and bodyworkers

In 2006, Rick Goggins and I collaborated with ABMP/Massage & Bodywork Magazine on a survey designed to produce the first reliable statistics on the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders (injuries) among massage therapists and bodyworkers. We sent the survey by email to 1000 therapists nationwide - 601 responded. With a 60% response rate, we could consider that the results we got were representative of massage therapists and bodyworkers in general nationwide.

Here's… Continue

Added by Lauriann Greene, CEAS on August 2, 2009 at 3:37pm — No Comments

Effective, Holistic Injury Prevention for Massage Therapists

I'm really pleased to see that the subject of self-care and injury prevention has already been raised on this great new site. That confirms the importance of the subject to all students and professionals, particularly during these tough economic times when being able to protect your investment in your training and your career are more important than ever.

It's always gratifying to see people talking about the principles I introduced in Save Your Hands! in 1995: thinking of yourself… Continue

Added by Lauriann Greene, CEAS on July 27, 2009 at 4:23pm — No Comments

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