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Statistics on symptoms and injury among massage therapists and bodyworkers

In 2006, Rick Goggins and I collaborated with ABMP/Massage & Bodywork Magazine on a survey designed to produce the first reliable statistics on the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders (injuries) among massage therapists and bodyworkers. We sent the survey by email to 1000 therapists nationwide - 601 responded. With a 60% response rate, we could consider that the results we got were representative of massage therapists and bodyworkers in general nationwide.

Here's what we found, in a nutshell:

77 percent experienced pain or other musculoskeletal symptoms related to massage work.

64 percent sought medical treatment for symptoms.

41 percent were diagnosed with an injury.

Shoulders, thumbs and lower back were the most common injury locations.

"Applying pressure" was listed as the most common cause of work-related symptoms.

67 percent had ongoing symptoms.

So it's clear that manual therapists need to be aware of the risk of injury in their work. But many professions have inherent risks, and yet many people have successful, long-term, healthy careers in these professions. The fact that injury can occur doesn't make it inevitable. The key to injury prevention is remaining aware of the risks and taking the necessary steps to manage that risk.

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