massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

The comment period for the second draft of the Massage Therapy Body of Knowledge ended a week ago. I’ve made comments on both drafts, and I hope you have too.

A number of my own comments were in regard to the amount of energy work-related statements that were included. I don’t think most of it belongs there. Before anyone gets their chakras in a twist at me, let
me state that Healing Touch was the very first class I ever took, back
in 1993. I went on to follow that up with classes in Reiki, polarity,
and a few other energy modalities. I’ve also studied and used Shiatsu
for years. I have in fact in the past taught a lot of Reiki classes
myself, but I’ve decided not to teach it anymore. I blogged that
decision on my FB page a few months ago. Some of these scientific minds
around here are rubbing off on me.

I honor anyone who lays their hands on another, or directs energy at another, with the intent for the highest good to take place, whether that’s to heal, to comfort, or to ease someone’s passing. I don’t have
any objections to energy work, either giving or receiving. I just think
it’s a separate body of knowledge.

Yes, I know that plenty of massage therapists use energy work, not only from my own past experience, but also from spending a few hours surfing through the approved provider pages on the NCB’s website
recently. It appears that there’s more energy-related classes than
hardcore bodywork and/or evidence-based classes. Obviously there’s a
demand, or that wouldn’t be the case. READ MORE.....

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Comment by Vlad on March 25, 2010 at 1:32pm
Oh, Laura,
Dung 'n' Dew - it has SUCH a ring to it.
Yes, Irish donkeys do rock.
Comment by Darcy Neibaur on March 25, 2010 at 1:30pm
Christopher, I was not blindfolded or my ears blocked. I was not made aware the Reiki was being performed on me until after it happened and I said "What did you just do I have not had feeling in my back past my hips in a year or more". That was when I was told the Reiki Master had performed Reiki on me. I didn't even know she was a Reiki Master until after the session was done. She had no idea of my back injury either as I did not tell her pior.
Comment by Laura Allen on March 25, 2010 at 1:21pm
I wasn't going to say another word, but now I have to. Vlad, I bet the nice people at Hannigan's Farm in Co Cork will give you all the donkey poo you want! Since they're all rescue donkeys, that would be very special, don't you agree? Give me a shot of Tullamore Dew to go with mine and I will be perfectly happy to let you put heated donkey dung on my back.
Comment by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin on March 25, 2010 at 1:11pm

Where do I sign up for the donkey dung therapy class??

Comment by Vlad on March 25, 2010 at 1:03pm I'm give up.
My point isn't being picked up either.
Let's rename this site
Lets study ALL types of Reiki, all types all crystals. Let's study donkey dung therapy because I love donkeys and I believe their dung is good for low back pain if it is heated properly and applied to the back in a specific manner.

Everything except massage therapy should be funded and researched. Even though we know that there has little research been done in MT, lets just make massage one wee grain of sand in a whole beach of "stuff".

Darcy - it might have worked for you and I'm sure that there are many other people that would have similar things to say about it, but RCTs have shown that it has no effect. If people believe it works, that's fine, I have no problem with that.

I have a problem with people NOT putting massage first before everything else. Look at all the groups on this site. Look at all the modalities.
Let's just spread what little research dollars there are amongst them all. I'm going to set up a group for donkey dung therapy. I better get my share.

I'm outa here.
Comment by Christopher A. Moyer on March 25, 2010 at 12:43pm
Darcy -

Your personal experience is interesting, but it isn't a scientific test of reiki.

Here is one possible test. (Many others are possible, too.)

If you were blindfolded and had your ears blocked, so that you couldn't not see or hear when someone was performing reiki on you, would you still be able to tell when reiki was being performed on you?
Comment by Mike Hinkle on March 25, 2010 at 12:35pm
Ok, prime example of why I feel as I do! Perfect choice.

Here is a modality that has been handed down. It possibly would have died out if Madam Howayo Takata had not kept it alive in America. We are inducting her into the 2010 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame for these efforts.

That aside, assertions may have been made to researchers that were proven wrong. That is not an indication that it doesn't work, but that specific assertions were proven wrong. These assertions may have been generated by whomever to see Reiki proven wrong. I have seen quite a zealous response from the church over this particular modality. And with Reiki, there are many types and levels of Reiki.

All medicines don't work on all people. Why would all modalities? Just like all Doctor's can't help every person, all massage therapists won't be able to help every client. The varibles in massage are infinite, from temperature to mood of client. More hospitals are becoming more involved in Reiki. I do not think we have all concluded, it doesn't work, yet.

So here is my dilema I hear of a study that says it doesn't work. I see massage thearpaists and hospital workers doing it in their daily job assignments and happy clients and patients returning for more. Apparently these folks disagree that the whole, "There needs to be more research done in it" argument is over. They continue.

Next- from crystal work, I would like to see light therapy research and from ringing bells, I would like to see more sound therapy research. Working together, things do not need spread out. I would love to see another body formed. A clearing house for massage information instead of it being all over. But we do not need monopolies, either, that can dictate the course of the profession as has been the case for too long. We need choices and it looks like NCCAM is open enough to give us some additional choices. Every new project will get slammed by those that are presently getting all the coverage. Site any one of the stewards and I can show you an example of them either knocking or being knocked as they found their place in the industry. Monopolies do not allow growth so yeah, another NCCAM will be fine as long as it is promoting massage and helping therapist be more successful in the practice.

You say they won't get the money or respect they deserve. I think the competition will motivate people to do things. Doing things takes action. Actions create more action and we grow. The MTF will get it's money. Every year, I see more donors and dollars and as the industry grows, so will the dollars. And as competition comes into play I think those that have gone away from associations (over 1/2 of therapists out there) will return and much growth will take place. It is key to get these folks back online with us.

I think there will be much consideration as to where funding goes (as there always is) to support the industry. Advisory Boards will make those decisions as they present themselves. I don't think we should jump from hands-on modalities to crystals, but that's just my take.
Comment by Darcy Neibaur on March 25, 2010 at 12:05pm
I can say Vlad that Reiki has been preformed on me and I have to disagree with you that it does not work. I truly believe it does work after just one session.
Comment by Christopher A. Moyer on March 25, 2010 at 11:54am
I'm dying to learn about the many scientific laws that have been proven wrong.
Comment by Vlad on March 25, 2010 at 11:36am
Reiki has been studied.
It doesn't work.

I don't think we need to go into the study since the whole "There needs to be more research done in it" argument has already been made.

But here's the thing, Mike.
If you're saying that everything from crystal work to ringing bells above clients needs to be studied and money need to be ploughed into it. Then what is going to happen?
It's going to be another NCCAM.
Everything is going to be so spread out that the one thing that we all believe in, and that is MASSAGE THERAPY (the manipulation of soft tissue), is not going to get the attention or money or respect or credibility or anything that it deserves.
Why? Because we're then just going to be another modality, mixed in with "All that other stuff".

Let's study crystals.
Hell, lets do an RCT in it.
Let's throw money at that sucker.
Why not waste it?

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