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Your belly, gut, tummy, stomach etc. is a popular place, with both bad bacteria that can cause all sorts of disorders and healthy bacteria that boost your immune system and is now known to be the seat of your immunity. This would account for all the 'prebiotic and probiotic' pills, drinks, foods, etc. you now see advertised.

It has been known for centuries that fermented foods are healing.1 Yogurt and kefir help to keep a proper balance of healthy bacteria in your intestines, thereby helping your body to fight off harmful bacteria, while 'sour foods', such as sauerkraut, sourdough bread and pickles made ages ago by our ancestors are now known to remove excess saturated fats and cholesterol2, and keep your digestive tract healthy. It is worth noting that the yogurt you consume should be plain, without added sugar, and contain active cultures. The sauerkraut, olives, pickles, etc. should also be naturally fermented, without the use of chemicals, if possible.

Prebiotics include honey, apple cider vinegar and tomatoes. Probiotics are some of the afore mentioned foods: Kefir, yogurt, buttermilk, sauerkraut and miso. These foods are easily obtained and make a huge difference in your overall health. Harmful bacteria prefer fats and sugars that are found in processed, high-fat concentrate foods. In his 1907 book, "The Prolongation of Life", Nobel prize winning Russian scientist Eli Metchnikoff noted the longevity of Bavarian residents who's primary source of daily food was yogurt, generally in large quantities. He found that a daily diet of this probiotic prolonged life and improved overall health.3

Try adding some of these delicious, life giving foods to your diet for one month and see how your health improves. Your gut feeling may be worth it!

© 2011 Shelli Rossignol lmt/cr


1.Rhana Khalil and Lina Baker
2.Health benefits of sour foods by Mark Rosenberg, MD
3.The Prolongation of Life by Eli Metchnikoff

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