massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
® and though your training takes a lifetime I honestly think it is worth the travel and training involved to get certified to use and train in this modality!
Once upon a time there was a boy, the grandson of the chieftaines of the iwi Kapotai. Born of Aotearoa he learnt traditions and spirituality of the Maori. As a grown-up man he got acquainted with a Hawaiian Kahuna, inspired by an Australian aborigine elder and finally guided by the Wairua to meet "Western" healing arts and to follow his vision: Make ancient knowledge and techniques available for people of the modern world.
He is Hemi Hoani Fox, one of the few who still know and practice the once secret healing arts. He named this unique technique:
MA-URI Massage and Bodywork
MASSAGE and touch
Once upon a time there was the first mom to hug her baby, the first lover to embrace his darling, the first healer to place a hand on someone in pain - and the world knew: Touch means giving.
It is well known today how beneficial touch and massage is. Skin to skin contact produces "happiness" hormones, relieves stress, stimulation of skin and muscle and connective tissue helps circulation thus smooth’s lines and wrinkles, relaxes muscles, eases pain, helps mobility of joints, boosts metabolism, helps to lose weight, to get rid of toxins, aids fitness and strengthens the immune system.
Any good massage has all the above physical benefits.
MA-URI provides all of them for the body, too. PLUS it also can:
- align hemispheres of the brain so
- harmonize thoughts
- replace tension with energy, in other words
- bring a positive, relaxed, flexible attitude to life
- offer an opportunity for MA-URI Bodywork
What happens in a massage session
It is a full body massage with oil so it is done without clothes. I cover a big towel (if needed another warm blanket) over you and only uncover parts that I am working on. The oil is completely mineral free and nicely warm to touch.
This technique is not about kneading your body or clicking joints. I mainly use my forearms, which enables me to apply long, sliding touches still firm enough (quite hard if needed) pressure on the muscles. I use the MA-URI dance steps and moves while massaging you.
A general session covers the back, hips, legs, feet and soles, the front of the legs and the knees, arms, front and even the face. For an hour you lie on the massage table. You may fall asleep, enjoy the music, get inspiring thoughts, and maybe shed tears to release stress... Or anything you feel OK with. Smile, laugh, snore or let me know it does well to your shoulders...
That is all you need to do: enjoy it.
I usually do not talk or chat, rather let you be in your own space. All I do is focus on you; connect the music, the flowing movements of the massage and your energies to provide the best session for you to have.
Once again: Why should you try it?
To experience all the unique differences from any other types of massage, such as:
- soft touch of the palms and forearms applying pleasant still firm, deep pressure on the muscles.
- Special head-rest that enables the massage therapist to have exceptional, thorough work on the shoulders (carriers of stress).
- Long sweeping moves to clear tension and old energies from the body.
- Pleasantly warm massage oil (no minerals!)
- Music being an essential component maintaining a continuous, dynamic flow of energies.
- Breath being a consciously applied tool to help relaxation and cleansing.
- Dances. Steps, postures and arm-hand patterns create strong connection with earth energies and the clients` bio energy.
Do you know where you arrive when you enter?
It is an altar in the middle. Covered with fresh sheets. Waiting for you. And around it there is ancient power and knowledge of:
MOVEMENT - The masseuse is using specially designed moves around the table
PLACEMENT - under which the oils is warming to YOUR skin. Steps and techniques
PRECISION - precisely, without thinking, accurately (as they are the channel of energy) but from instinct now
RHYTHM - Following the music
CONNECTEDNESS - chosen for YOU, connecting bodies and souls.
TIMING - Movements slowing and quickening
AWARENESS - following YOUR needs
BREATHING - while the breaths with-in you, is to cleanse YOU this time...
ALLIGNMENT - all of these together
SACREDNESS - will be strong and unique. They will make the healing happen first to your soul then to your body.
FOCUS - for YOUR health and wellbeing.
And all this is merely the start. When all of these are already there
” Then comes TOUCH”.
The Ancient SOURCE of the Sacred Knowledge of Huna:
The Star people of Pleiades and the Lemurians of the Pacific
Once upon a time ... so the story goes: By a pathway of light they came from Matariki, the star constellation of Pleiades. To the legendary Continent in the Pacific known to us as Mu or Lemuria. They came to find peace and a new home on Earth. They took on human form and became known amongst the Mu people as Te Iwi O Mana Huna, the People of the secret power. And indeed, they were a people of remarkable psychic powers and of advanced spiritual technology. They shared their Sacred Knowledge of Huna with the Mu and demonstrated their ability to use energy and thought to align and harmonize the human body, mind and spirit. By using a form of bodywork, the Mu and later the Polynesians developed this knowledge into an alignment system to harmonize a person's inner realm with the greater, outer Universe. Chaos and turmoil would be brought forth from the darkness of the inner Being by the magic of chant, touch, dance and rhythm. Changes would take place within the body and the mind, within the emotions and the soul. Pathways of Destiny would begin to unfold. Then suddenly, in a moment of total exaltation an overpowering sense of knowing would surface and healing energies would burst through to transform and align body and mind with Destiny and Dreams.
MA-URI® offers you a doorway to this ancient process.
It is through Polynesian ancestral and spiritual channels that this ancient and Sacred Knowledge has been accessed and developed into the MA-URI® Bodywork systems and MA-URI HUNA principles for the enhancement and expansion of personal freedom. The purpose of MA-URI® is to give people in modern day societies a chance to fulfill their Destinies and to live their Dreams.
'Grandfather, tell us more about the Dream.' The old one took in the group, studied each face as if for the first time and asked, 'Do you see the trail that brings you to this moment?' No one spoke. He continued, 'Pause and look within. Stretch your mind and heart and see beyond the threads and separate colors to the greater weave. Find your Excitement. I say again, Find your Excitement and follow it. Honor only that which gives you Joy and brings Energy and Purpose into your life. Then you walk the truth of who you are. Then you walk the Magic and the Dream.'
'You are called to carry the old things forward in a new way, invited to dance this trail with love and laughter and sing the harmonies of the Universe. That is your Power and the Dream', he whispered.
We are not healers though. MA-URI Therapists are Navigators. We are here to facilitate self-healing.
The dances, postures, connectedness and other principles are to create the appropriate channel and flow of energy.
This type of touch is tapu!
It connects the therapist and the client on all levels. Thus it may work even without physical touching (some have skin or bodies that cannot be touched) or it might happen that the client is not even physically present. This is also a reason why I call it more than a usual massage.
Be complete! Live a truly whole, full life!
Kia Ora!
Introduced in 1990, MA-URI is a very new form of massage. It was introduced by Hemi Hoani Fox and its roots are from the Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi Nui dance. This form of massage increases energy flow within the mind and body. Its internal focus is on breathing and concentration. Mental and physical health is the claimed benefits of this type of massage. The MA-URI Institute, headed by Hemi and Katja Fox, advocates and studies the benefits of this type of massage. It is presently difficult to find practitioners, although this may change as this type of massage becomes more popular. But for now we are one of the very few companies in ABQ, New Mexico to offer this!
Benefits of MA-URI massage Therapy course:
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