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E=MC2 What Einstien knew about massage

OK, that's it! Relativity?! Some one obviously fell down and hit their head! Keep the linens on your table and we'll take a stroll back to high school science. We all remember that E is energy and M is matter. Right? The sign in the middle is equals. Einstein theorized and subsequently proved that matter contains energy and energy contains matter. Therefore all things including ourselves and our clients are made of matter and contain energy. In physics when matter interacts with other matter it produces new (changed) matter and heat (Energy) M+M= NewM+ Heat
We all learned in 6Th grade that matter is neither created nor destroyed. Then reason follows that energy is also neither created nor destroyed. Like energy, matter is simply rearranged, reused, recycled. Lets take that client on the table. A young woman of 30 with a sub acute hamstring strain. We notice that the hamstring, even at rest, is still warmer than the remainder of the body. The injured hamstring is throwing off heat. Since the hamstring is injured and likely inflamed it doesn't work as effectively as the healthy one and has excess heat(energy) built up as a result. As MT's we use cold packs or bio-freeze etc to reduce the heat and inflammation. But what if, before we grabbed the cold pack, we gently put our hand on (near) the site and listened to the information that heat contained. What do you think it would say? Maybe it would be angry or full of rage. Maybe our client failed to warm up before she worked out,or ignored the pain to get in a few more reps. Could it be that she danced in 3" heels the night before? It could be all of those things but until you listen you'll never know.
C squared is simply the speed of light multiplied by itself. OK that's fast,how does that fit? Light is the ultimate equalizer. no light- no energy- no heat- no life. The speed of light is constant. Light bent thru a prism refracts into a rainbow of different colors. Each color has its own speed. Red is hot and fast in short wave lengths while blue is slower, cooler, and longer wave lengths. We feel the effects of those colors and use them to our advantage when decorating our massage rooms and homes.
What did Albert Einstein know about massage? From a practical standpoint who knows? From a scientific standpoint, plenty. He formed a sound basis for the exchange of energy between all living beings.

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