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The Gains and Pains of Energy Exchange

I'm sorry this took so long. I spent some time in Tampa recently at a Facilitated Pathways Intervention class given by Flo Barber her paradigm shifting work is amazing. I'll be devoting a post entirely to her work in the future.
Of late we've been covering energy at it's most basic. Now we move on to managing our energy exchanges with others. Energy exchanges occur at all levels between friends, family, clients and clerks. Literally every one all the time. Humans, as a means of self defense, are fairly immune to most exchanges since we couldn't survive in 3D otherwise. We'd be bombarded constantly. Energy exchanges are mostly processed on a sub conscience level with only the most significant ones passing into the conscience realm.
Light Workers, Massage Therapists, and others can walk between both worlds. To walk between both worlds we must first be quiet- meditate if you wish- allow yourself connection to the natural world.The flora and fauna in your immediate environment are your best teachers and listeners. Don't get discouraged if you don't sense anything right away you have to give your environment a chance to respond. Equally if you feel overwhelmed by all the information focus on one aspect you want information about.
Learning to listen and then responding is part of developing your energetic skills. Instead of saying to your house plant, "I think you need water." say "Do you need water today?" then listen, If you give them regular care you should 'hear' the information you need. Then follow the advice they give you. Since plants don't literally 'talk' what you're sensing is the vibration. It's also important to be grateful for your plant and how he/she brightens/sweetens your home or yard. A university study in the '70's showed that if we talk to our plants then they grow healthier and stronger than if we just water and feed them. Plants were also used to show if you express anger or negativity toward them they will wither. What these studies showed was that (emotions) energy effects all types of interaction.
How's your relationship with your computer? your car? your humans?
How many people have you seen pat the dash of their car and say "nice job Bessie!" When you look askance they say "I'm grateful she still runs, we've been together 10 years now." or "Hey, it gets me to work every day."
The energy we feel while working on clients is the very same energy in different vibrational patterns.

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