massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

You can't have a discussion group with massage therapist without having the topic of forming a union comes up. There are many sides to this -one that probably will be never fully answered.

I for one always just think it seems like the unions are the ones who have ruined the auto industry with their demands. What would a union do for the massage profession? What really is the problem in the massage job world? I've lived a sheltered life never having to get a massage job and always having my own business.

20 years ago when I first started out there were no jobs - period. Jobs were and are still mostly IC positions but the massage franchises are changing this for the profession but they of course have terrible pay and have mostly bad reports from people who worked there.

Franchises have their place in the massage profession. They provide steady income and work for the most part. ME advertises nationally in magazines and on TV. I read an article in Massage Mag a few years ago saying that only 25% of people who go into a ME become members leaving the rest to go find other massage therapists or perhaps never get a massage again?!

I can't figure out why massage therapists even go to work for ME or other franchises for such low pay rates. The tips are supposed to make up the difference and I suppose that if you are good you could do alright. And better yet - why do they stay? Are there just no jobs or not enough support to teach people how to start their own businesses? What do people think who get massages at franchises? Do they not know the difference or feel the difference? Everyone has their ups and downs in giving a massage no matter if they are self employed or work at a franchise.

And now this mysterious poster is claiming to be starting a union but is unable to give any details. Are they for real? I found them first on the forums which is notorious for having one person who logs in as many different people and trashes the massage profession making it look bad because they are unhappy in their career choice.

What do people need to communicate to employers and potential employers about what they want? A Union? More education on how to get or create jobs? Any ideas????


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Comment by Darcy Neibaur on November 9, 2009 at 5:57am
Thank you, Micheal, for your comment. This topic is all over Facebook with this same LMT's name attached to it. Massage Envy owners are on Facebook and very well could be here. It makes me wonder. I think it is sad people start these kinds of topics without the facts. I guess LMT's do not realize that Massage Envy is a Global Sponsor for a lot of events and conventions and if it was not for Massage Envy there may not be the World Massage Conference or ABMP.
Comment by Mike Hinkle on November 9, 2009 at 12:36am
Please find out if this is a scam before announcing a union is even a consideration. Many people are very happy with their emplyment with Massage Envy. There will always be comments from unhappy ex employees. And Massage Envy being the single largest employer of therapists would surely have many. It hurts the profession even more if we spread things without the facts. People work any place they want to and they are free to leave if they want to. Therapists can not even agree on hardly anything, good luck forming a union. PLease stop perpetuating this until you have the facts. You are hurting a franchise that is helping many therapists. Like you said, you were lucky enough not to have to work for someone else, please don't hurt those who do.

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