massage and bodywork professionals

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Alright, first hands-on practical done and done! After a horrible weekend, I got a personal crash course in quick centering and leaving my emotional baggage outside the massage room. This was the very first time I have felt uncomfortable going into class, let alone it being my practical. Thank goodness for breathing, eucalyptus oil, Jason Mraz, and the awesome support of my classmates and teachers.
I know I am not alone when I say that I struggle (sometimes ferociously) with allowing stray thoughts come and go, leaving work at work, or just being present in the moment with no weight on past or future events. It is something that I have focused on in my personal yoga practice and meditation routines for a while now. It does get easier, but it takes time. I suppose I am learning patience as well!
I somehow knew I was going to get the owner of my school as my practical client, so I was not surprised when they assigned her to me (just nervous because I didn't want her to pick up on my jitters). Luckily, she must have been grounding me in the intake interview because by the time she was on the table and we were starting, I felt a whole lot better than when I first walked in to class. The right music and being surrounded by my classmates helped out so much. We were all in it together. That sense of community and support is so lacking from our everyday lives that when you find it somewhere, you can't help revel in it!
The practical went really well, I spent a few too many minutes on the back but was able to shave off a few seconds here and there on the arms, legs, and chest in order to finish on time. I didn't feel like I was rushing and my client didn't mention anything about that, so I think the flow went really well.
I got excellent and detailed feedback, and I can't wait to practice the things I need a bit more finesse on. I think that once I fine tune some points, it'll be just that much better. I am very happy with the way the practical went overall. I'm not harboring any "should've could've would've" thoughts . I am very hard on myself, as many people are their worst critics, but I really feel like I did my best!

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Comment by Daniel Cohen on February 17, 2011 at 5:01am
Congratulations on being on your way to becoming a massage therapist. I liked reading your account, it brought back thoughts from my first practical. Thank you.

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