massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

Protecting female therapists from males seeking sexual services.

Its already been the subject of many discussions on here, but are there any websites specifically set up to educate new female therapists on exactley how to word their web pages to minimise this occuring.

Here in the UK we've still got therapists web pages listing home phone numbers, full home addresses, and useing wording begging the double entendre.

Please tell me someone has a great site to which I can refere these innocents.

Thanks steve

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Comment by Diana Brayshaw on December 16, 2010 at 10:52pm

A site isn't needed. It's merely common sense. I teach Ethics and Communications here in Ontario and this kind of thing is part of the cirriculum. In fact our regulatory body pays close attention to this and will call anyone on it. It's simply not allowed. I'd love to see some of these websites  and give some advice.

Comment by Marilyn St.John on August 24, 2010 at 9:47am
Wow--it's hard to imagine a program that wouldn't touch on this subject! When I was in school, the program included four hours of self defense training in addition to the requisite several hours of ethics. Sadly, I had to draw from the self defense knowledge once in the last six years, which demonstrates that a female doesn't even have to be a "sweet young thing" to occasionally see a client with misconceptions about massage...and this took place at a reputable school! Just wanted to share this here so the "innocents" will just stay aware and be informed... :)
Comment by Stephen Jeffrey on August 23, 2010 at 10:11am
Thanks Barbara and Ty.

To put it another way, should it be possible to complete massage training and not be made aware of this ?

Have you recently completed your training without this subject being covered ?
Comment by Barbara Rosenberger on August 22, 2010 at 4:52am
Help with this continuing problem is scarce...I have adopted my own protections. I have a disclaimer on my website. I carry a cell phone in my massage room. Here is my website.

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