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I will be out of town this weekend attending a seminar in Kansas City, Missouri. I am very excited about this seminar as well it's my first one since graduating in April, and it's something that I have been wanting to do for a lifetime. Any of you that recognize the name Paul St. John will know the amazing things that neurosomatics can do for a client. Those of you that don't recognize the name here is a brief excert from his homepage which can be found at

What is INT?

Integrative Neurosomatic Therapy is a structurally integrative approach to pain relief. The method is based on finding improper structural and biomechanical patterns in the patient's body. In order to find these improper patterns, Paul St. John developed a way to analyze and chart dysfunctional postural patterns. Once these patterns are analyzed a comprehensive program is designed to guide the client through the five stages of rehabilitation:

1. Eliminate muscle spasm

2. Restore flexibility

3. Restore proper biomechanics

4. Increase muscle strength

5. Increase muscular endurance

Paul St. John

Our purpose is to not only to eliminate the pain, but educate the patient on ways to prevent recurrence of the injury.

Integrative Neurosomatic Therapy fills a void left by traditional health care by analyzing soft tissue causes of pain. According to recent research approximately 90% of pain symptoms are considered idiopathic, which means there is no known cause. We believe the reason there is no known cause is that a proper investigation into the patient's soft tissues is not being performed. Integrative Neurosomatic Therapy is a way to analyze and thoroughly explore the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in order to find these hidden sources of pain.

Restoring proper structure and biomechanics not only alleviates pain, but can positively affect a variety of physiological conditions. One of the neurological laws that is the basis for Integrative Neurosomatic Therapy is Wolff's law. Simply stated, Wolff's law states “form follows function and function follows form." Thus, a distortion in the form of the body is often correlated to improper function of the body. For example, a slouching posture can decrease digestive function or a trigger point into the ear can affect hearing or balance. When proper structure is restored to the body, the accompanying physiological problems are often alleviated.

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