massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

Throughout the years of receiving massage, bodywork, energy work, facials and other spa treatments, I have had some exceptional experiences from some truly gifted people. I've also met a number of people in the spa and healing arts industry (and the fringes) that have touted themselves as "healers" - a term and practice that immediately turns me off and makes me question their authenticity. Worse still, some of these folks wear their own pain on their sleeve making it abundantly clear to anyone they come in contact with that not only they are a healer, but they are a "wounded healer." Gag me.

Why do I react this way? In my experience, most of those who have a true gift are more humble and client-centered rather than ego-based and centered. Their caring and desire to help others comes from a deep place of compassion and understanding rather than a need to brag, be lifted up or have their ego stroked. Anyone who has to tell you how gifted they are (and how wounded) is clearly not putting their intention and energies on the client first. Though this type of behavior can sometimes come from people new to the healing arts who will eventually wise up - sooner rather than later I hope - it is not only ego-centric but also largely ineffective and in some cases can be unethical.

My friend and colleague, Laura Allen, shared this video with me a few days ago and I think it gives a very clear example of what the highest form of The Wounded Healer can be. Hope you enjoy it, share with others, and take the information in it to heart.

Click here to watch the video

If you can't see it is is also on my blog. Here is the direct link:

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Comment by Felicia Brown on October 29, 2009 at 6:42pm
I wish I could take credit for the video - it really summed up the way I feel about the power of the wounded healer.

Recently I've been working with a client with the end stages of ALS. I can honestly say he (along with my previous client with ALS who died in August) has broken my heart open. My woundedness and the inspiration he has given me has brought a new level of compassion and courage to my work both as a therapist and educator.
Comment by Ruth M. Schopper-Hughes on October 8, 2009 at 12:07pm
Loved it.
Comment by Ann Kelleher on October 5, 2009 at 6:38pm
Comment by Stephen Jeffrey on October 1, 2009 at 3:22pm
Thanks Felicia, that Video has touched me on a very deep level. Take a look people!

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