Three distinct axonal transport rates for tau, tubulin, and other microtubule-associated proteins: evidence for dynamic interactions of tau with microtubules in vivo.
Our findings also reveal differences among various MAPs in their interactions with microtubules and provide evidence that assembly and reorganization of the microtubule network is an active process even after axons establish connections and fully mature.
Neuronal injury increases retrograde axonal transport of the neurotrophins to spinal sensory neurons and motor neurons via multiple receptor mechanisms.
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Keloid and hypertrophic scar: neurogenic inflammation hypotheses.
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Sympathetic modulation of activity in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons changes over time following peripheral nerve injury.
Chronic nerve compression induces local demyelination and remyelination in a rat model of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Axotomy Upregulates the Anterograde Transport and Expression of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor by Sensory Neurons
Three distinct axonal transport rates for tau, tubulin, and other microtubule-associated proteins: evidence for dynamic interactions of tau with microtubules in vivo.
Our findings also reveal differences among various MAPs in their interactions with microtubules and provide evidence that assembly and reorganization of the microtubule network is an active process even after axons establish connections and fully mature.
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Neuronal injury increases retrograde axonal transport of the neurotrophins to spinal sensory neurons and motor neurons via multiple receptor mechanisms.
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Axotomy accelerates slow component b of axonal transport.
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