Everyday athletes and non-athletes are bothered by a variety of muscular problems caused by overuse, overtraining, repetitive motions, injuries, surgeries or a combination of these things. These muscular problems can affect athletes’ performances and their everyday life style affecting speed, agility, power, range of motion, and flexibility. At RENEWED MYO THERAPY® I use a verity of therapeutic modalities to address muscular dysfunctions, I also us a therapeutic sequence which I developed called the WARRIOR MASSAGE® subtitled ‘The Hybrid of Sports Massage’. The WARRIOR MASSAGE® seeks to balance the pelvic /sacrum area by taking its associate muscle through a therapeutic sequence that will free up tight restricted muscles and strengthen week inhibited muscles restoring balance to the pelvic/sacrum region bringing renewed performance to the athlete. When balance to the pelvic is restored the body performs more fluently and muscle energy is used most efficiently through the kinetic chain which brings about better performance for the athlete.
I wish you well in your pursuit to wellness
For more information go to
www.renewedmyotherapy.comwww.warriormassage.comI wish you well in your pursuit to wellness
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