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In the unforgettable words of Jack LaLanne, “. . . exercise is the king and nutrition is the queen.” He nailed that comparison. In life, as in the game of chess, Regina is much more influential than Rex.
Nutrition can compensate for sloth much better than exercise can overcome bad food. In today’s world, how much of which foods you put in your mouth determines roughly 60% of your level of health. Even the American Medical Association estimates that two of every three deaths in this country are essentially self-inflicted, i.e. “the direct result of lifestyle choices.”
In these days of declining life spans – sure, infant mortality rates are way down but adult mortality rates are worsening – it’s hard to stay optimistic about our species. At the same time that research is revealing more about which foods really nourish us, our tastebuds are busy leading us farther astray. Since the end of the 19th century, health-nuts have been warning us that we are “digging our graves with our forks.” Why do we act this way?
Through countless generations, human beings became physically adapted to unpredictable, even intermittent, food supplies. Long before our ancestors learned to store excess food in granaries, icy caves or airtight containers, their bodies learned to store excess food as energy (body fat). Without that layer of protection, they would not have survived long winters or bad times, and we would not be here now.
In effect, our bodies are programmed to store fat as quickly as possible. Every day, as we consume more than we burn by moving, we get bigger. That’s the way we’re built.
Now that we are faced with a mind-boggling variety and availability of goodies, from complete junk to superfood concentrates, even adults act like Pinocchio’s friend Lampwick on Pleasure Island. This “problem” of abundance is aggravated by the fact that our guts, including every one of our digestive organs, are not yet adapted to modern foods or to modern cooking.
While the most dangerous cooking techniques (microwaving, frying, baking) clearly wreak havoc on our bodies, they are just the tip of a threatening iceberg. Problems such as soil depletion, soil distortion, pesticide and insecticide contamination, loss of vital factors over time and in processing, and intentional adulteration grow larger with every passing day.

What can an intelligent eater do? Consider the following observations.

1. Good digestion is the key to lasting health. Cultured and fermented foods are crucial for this.

2. Synthetic vitamin supplements can very easily upset normal, healthy metabolic processes
(including digestion).

3. Human beings digest proteins from animal foods better than proteins from plant foods.

4. Bone strength and kidney health both suffer as protein intake drops.

5. Most people are not physically equipped to be strict vegetarians. Our ancestors were highly
carnivorous and plants do not supply all the nutrients our bodies require.

6. Food cooked right is healthier than most raw foods. [Up to the boiling point is fine.]

7. Most overheated food is worse than indigestible; it is toxic and/or carcinogenic.

8. “Organic” foods are not just less contaminated than commercial foods, they have more
nutritional value and more flavor.

9. Cholesterol in unprocessed food is less dangerous than the chemicals and rancid fats
in packaged food.

10. For the entire world population, the most widespread food intolerances (aka “allergies”) are
to cereal grains.

John Ogle has owned health food stores, taught nutrition, and health, and currently teaches anatomy and physiology at ASIS Massage Education in Prescott. He resides in Northern Arizona. For more information about ASIS Massage, go to

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To help my clients and distributors, because I can�t meet personally with everyone I wrote Nutrition 101: Choose Life! If you have looked for a way to guide you and your family into eating a balanced, whole foods, not extreme eating program that allows your body to balance, alkalize, restore and heal, AND allow you to freely use the fabulous Young Living essential oils with ease and success, then you need Nutrition 101: Choose Life!

Nutrition 101: Choose Life! is a three-in-one family nutrition and health program for all ages that presents the major body systems, how they function, their common health issues, the benefits of good food and the consequences of bad food. Its 448 pages include six units: 1) The Brain and Nervous System; 2) Digestion and Elimination; 3) Respiration and Olfactory; 4) Muscular and Skeletal Systems; 5) Cardiovascular and Immune Systems; and 6) Endocrine System and Emotions.

Packed with hands-on activities, science and art projects, it involves even the youngest family members and contains nearly 80 family-friendly recipes. This program teaches and reinforces the why's of what we should eat, not just "because I said so." Adults clearly see the dangers of highly processed foods and what they are doing to the next generation.

Containing a complete reference guide filled with nutrition facts, charts, practical tips, testimonies and an exhaustive index, Nutrition 101: Choose Life! will serve as a constant resource for improved health and abundant living. Young Living essential oil and various products are mentioned throughout, but we recommend using one of the essential oil reference guides for specific product selection. Nutrition 101: Choose Life! is a nutrition book, not an essential oils reference book. Say goodbye once and for all to nagging health issues and hello to vibrant health - Choose Life!

For a limited time, the publisher Growing Healthy Homes is extending a special offer to all Young Living distributors. You can purchase the Nutrition 101: Choose Life! package (both the CD and book) for $99.95 plus shipping and handling ... a $129.95 value - BEFORE August 31, 2009. Don;t wait, get your hands on Nutrition 101: Choose Life! and be equipped to help yourself and others.

Order on or before August 31, 2009:
1. Go to
2. Add the book and CD package to your shopping cart. The discount will not be applied if you add the book and CD separately.
3. Add the discount code YLEOspecial.
4. Enter your zip code and that will give you shipping expenses.
5. Finalize your transaction.

The book will finish printing in late July. Preorders processed in July will be shipped immediately upon arrival at our warehouse with anticipated delivery in early August.

If the book and CD have the same information, what is the value of having both? The book provides all of the information from the CD professionally printed and bound in full color. The CD allows you to reprint individual copies of the recipes, shopping lists, charts and any other relevant pages. Many families print single pages and create a folder for each child. Nutrition 101: Choose Life! is a tremendous resource and having it in both formats allows flexibility and saves you time and money.

Grow your Young Living business by being equipped to share the role great nutrition plays in your health. I have built my YL business to the level of Platinum and soon to be Diamond through the teaching of nutrition and essential oils together. Gary Young has often stressed the importance of what we eat as foundational to our health. Through Nutrition 101: Choose Life!, you'll finally be able to put both the nutritional and essential oil components together for the best results.

Here are the first-hand experiences of others:

"Nutrition 101: Choose Life! is a wonderful, well organized and much needed educational tool! There is simply nothing else out there like it!" - Thomas M. Reed, DPM, FACFAS, Double board certified in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery and author of Core Essentials Complete: 90 Days to a Healthier You, and Young Living Silver.

"It has been such a joy to see Nutrition 101: Choose Life! come to life in our co-op. The kids have greatly enjoyed the fun and varied science experiments and the delicious cooking activities. They also have learned a great deal about their bodies and healthy eating habits. The most important thing my own child has learned is that healthy foods don't have to taste bad, and that trying new foods can be fun!" - Elise Eaton, Director, Extraordinary Education

"We have really enjoyed Nutrition 101: Choose Life! I love the fact that my daughter has learned to make better food choices at each meal and has become such a great label reader." - Maureen Brisack, homeschool mother of two

"Nutrition 101: Choose Life! does an amazing job explaining the anatomy and physiology of the body, nutritional health and how to make good food choices every day, but most of all it reflects God's love for us. Passing this information on to our children will be a blessing. I recommend it to everyone - family, friends and my downline." - Lisa Cook, mother, RN, Executive Director of Columbia County Independent Living and Young Living distributor

Nutrition 101: Choose Life! authored by Debra Raybern, N.D., Sera Johnson, Laura Hopkins and Karen Hopkins and published by Growing Health Homes. Debra Raybern is also the author of Gentle Babies � Essential Oils and Natural Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Infant Care.
Love this info. Though I know most of what you said, it was presented beautifully clear. The sad truth is most people have no idea of these simple truths. Thank you for helping me see a clearer way to present to others, the simple truth. I especially like the thin line between items #6 & 7. Well put!
Hello John,
Bradley emailed me your contact here. I had a question about your store and he informed me you have recently closed it. I'm sorry to hear that. Where exactly was it located?
I really enjoyed the article you wrote for www.massageandbodyworkprofessionals "> and I was hoping you could help me out and give me your opinion on a product I've been taking, Ionix Supreme. , I think it's a great product, but I'm always interested in other professional opinions. I look forward to any feedback you can share with me!
John, thank you in advance for responding and for sharing your expertise with fellow healers, keep writing!

Laurie Rodriggs, CMT APP
Hands of Energy
BodyWorker, Energy Healer
Nutritional Cleanse Coach
Hi Laurie --

I have no experience with the product named so take this response with appropriate skepticism.

Although the website was vague on some ingredient details, it's clear that the Ionix Supreme is an intriguing blend of super-food concentrates, unusual extracts, and synthetic vitamins. People who do not already use supplements are very likely to receive some benefit from this combo.

The real question, however, is whether equally helpful sustenance is available at less expense. After working in the Natural Foods Industry for 40 years, I can say that is a given (100% likely). It may take research and good advice, but it is possible to find high quality beneficial supplements out there.

Products such as this "All in One" tend to rely on novelty and unusual marketing techniques rather than legitimate testimonials and word-of-mouth. As a result, the selling price is a huge multiple of the cost of manufacture.

In time, as people find out whether it improves their health, imitators of varying quality will appear on the market. It's totally possible that within a year there will be equally good competitors available for a fraction of the current price.

OK? John O.

ASIS Massage Education said:
Hello John,
Bradley emailed me your contact here. I had a question about your store and he informed me you have recently closed it. I'm sorry to hear that. Where exactly was it located?
I really enjoyed the article you wrote for www.massageandbodyworkprofessionals "> and I was hoping you could help me out and give me your opinion on a product I've been taking, Ionix Supreme. , I think it's a great product, but I'm always interested in other professional opinions. I look forward to any feedback you can share with me!
John, thank you in advance for responding and for sharing your expertise with fellow healers, keep writing!

Laurie Rodriggs, CMT APP
Hands of Energy
BodyWorker, Energy Healer
Nutritional Cleanse Coach


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