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I am in the process of trying ramp up my business. My husband is going to quit his job and be a stay at home "dad". So, I want to really get myself out there. I already have an online scheduling service which I LOVE!!! But I am thinking of incorporating a website. I am also a Doula and think an educational website might be the best option. Does anyone have thought as to which one and how to go about it. Would I better off with brochures or is the online thing the best route?

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Hi Kathie - You need to do everything. If you're going to do it, "Go for it!" There is no sure fire way. Brochures can be cheap, but then you may be passed over for those that spent a lot. Websites can be set up quickly and cheaply at places like But it will almost always come back to word of mouth, if you are to be successful.

Just in case, Dad may want to hold onto that j-o-b, in these times, until you have reached the level of clientele you are looking for to compensate the difference. Either way, go on local TV shows, attend ladies church socials and speak, basically keep at it and you can do it.

Being a Doula, you have more in your tool chest to offer, and a website would be able to explain that better than a brochure. Good luck with your efforts and Keep the Faith!
Kathie -

ece of advice...a website is like a billboard in the middle of nowhere unless people know how to find it and are directed there repeatedly. Ditto with the brochures - if they are just sitting on your desk or in a drawer they won't be much help. My question to you is, which one are you more likely to get people to read? Both can be expensive and time consuming endeavors and can have risks and rewards as do many other advertising and marketing tools, especially if no one sees them!

Feel free to email me directly if you want to chat about it one on one at

I agree with the responses Kathie...a website nowadays is a good thing. LOTS of people research first. Especially if you are thinking of an educational website to inform people what Doula is all about. Brochures are a good thing to have handy as well...but in my experience the website marketing reaches a huge market.

Your local community paper would be a great place to get a press release out about your services and business.
I would also suggest placing your business card or brochures on community bulletin boards, OB-Gyn offices if they allow, get involved in a networking organization to meet others and let them know you are out there. The more people you meet - the more your local community will get to know you exist has affordable websites and affordable marketing aids, ex. brochures, business cards etc.

Good luck and GO FOR IT!
A website is a must. It is the only thing I use. People who search for 'massage your city' are already looking for massage. When they find your site half the battle is over but you still need to get them to call The best way I have found to do that is to write articles about everything you do and what conditions you work with.

I have a pathology section on my website for MT to find articles on the various diseases and conditions to help them write about it.

I also have a section all laid out with everything you need to to do create an optimized site.

Kathie- You probably got enough insights here but - web site or not web site- its not even a question!... :)
Dear Kathie -

Thanks so much for asking for feedback about websites.

Your website is your window to the world.

I see from the information you provided on MBP that you live in Windsor, Colorado, between Loveland and Ft. Collins, off of IH 25. The website could increase your visibility tremendously.

Your website will give you a professional edge and will add to your credibility.

Here are some suggestions for your website:
On your web site, focus on: the main message, your educational and professional accomplishments, benefits of massage, graphics, contact info, menu of services and fees, introductory specials, and discounted bundles.
Proofread carefully.
Secure a URL (domain name) that reflects your business style
Link with search engines, particularly Google
Read "Creating A Website That Works" at


Examples of Private Practitioners' Sites:
Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, NCTMB
Nathan Bales, LMT, MTI

Examples of Web Sites for Spas & Resorts:
Miraval Resort – Arizona
Golden Door Spa – The Peaks – Colorado
The Spa at The Crescent Court – Dallas

For additional support and inspiration, employ the services of a professional web designer and webmaster.

Mikail Davenport is an excellent person to work with while designing your web. His URL is He designed and maintains my website

Wishing you the very best life has to offer, Kathie.

Please feel free to contact me directly if you would like additional support and encouragement.

Warmly, Ariana Vincent, Ariana Institute,

What about both? Keep your brochure simple with a reference to your website address. Then your website can bubble over with photos, FAQ, descriptions, etc.
Online is the only way to go!!!!! Online anyone can look at your info and at any time. Brochure you have to get in their hands and can only share limited info. Spend the majority of your marketing on your website but have just a few brouchures to handout/leave in Drs offices.
I agree with Lizabeth! You need online recognition. It will help in a lot of ways. But you need to nuture your site too. If it gets boring, it will wither.

Lizabeth Kristiansen said:
Online is the only way to go!!!!! Online anyone can look at your info and at any time. Brochure you have to get in their hands and can only share limited info. Spend the majority of your marketing on your website but have just a few brouchures to handout/leave in Drs offices.

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