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VOLUNTEER LMT's Needed this weekend for a great event in Charlotte, NC!

The AvonWalk for Breast Cancer is this weekend at Park Road Park in Charlotte, NC. I am the Massage Team Leader looking for additional MT's that want to give back to their community. There will be over 1400 walkers participating and a large majority of them will be seeking relief from their first day walking 26 miles. Our job is to get them ready to take on the second additional 13.6 miles! Quite a feat...and tired feet and then some!


If you can spare time for them, Saturday October 23rd from 2 - 8PM...I would be greatful. You in return will be exposed to area residents, potential clients!!!


Interested? Please contact me via cell 201-602-6508. Thank you and hope to see you there! 

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Hi Kevin,

I am free Saturday and would love to help out. Please send physical address for my GPS and I'll be there at 2. I will try to get Travis and others to join us as well.
I'm Chance I'd be glad to lend a helping hand. I have a massage chair if that'd be helpful to bring and could bring some other odd's and end's if need be. Call me to give me particulars at 704-654-6939.
Hi Mike...Thanks! The address for Park Road Park is 6220 Park Road, Charlotte 28210. I did hear from Travis Alligood, But I think He can not make that weekend...but give him a try anyway. My cell phone is 201-602-6508 and if you could give me a call Thursday in the morning. I need some info to get you in as a "day Volunteer. You will also need to bring along a copy of your license and insurance.

Mike Hinkle said:
Hi Kevin,

I am free Saturday and would love to help out. Please send physical address for my GPS and I'll be there at 2. I will try to get Travis and others to join us as well.
Hi chance...sounds great. I will call you soon to give particulars, logistics, etc. We will be located at Park Road Park in Charlotte. I have a physical address as well as add'l info I will need to process you as a "day volunteer". I will be in contact with you soon...thanks again, Kevin 201-602-6508

Chance Ryan said:
I'm Chance I'd be glad to lend a helping hand. I have a massage chair if that'd be helpful to bring and could bring some other odd's and end's if need be. Call me to give me particulars at 704-654-6939.

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