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Has anyone heard of or gone through this certification? A.R.T stands for Active Release Technique. It reminds me of similar applications of pin-and-stretch, passive positional release, contract/relax...etc. It seems to have more immediate results and teaches more palpation of neural pathways and bony structures besides just muscular. It has a medical patent, thus...very expensive coursework. I would love to know how this course has benefited you!

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Hi akemi,

I have not taken the A.R.T. certification course but have been exposed to it through my Chiro at the clinic I work at. It is effective in releasing adhesions found in muscle tissues that can restrict movement. It is rather uncomfortable for the client/patient. I have used the technique on rare occassions when there is a clear need for it such as an adhesion substantially limiting mobility, or compromising a nerve or nerve plexus.

As you mentioned, the technique is similar to others that can be used to achieve the same results, just not as efficiently. A.R.T. is geared towards Chiropractic practices and the course will most likely expect students to have a foundation knowledge of Applied Kenesiology. Certification in the technique is not something I would pursue at this stage in my career. That's not saying it wouldn't be valuable to some. Just my 2 cents.

I haven't taken any classes on it either, but a client of mine is a collegiate/professional athlete and is interested in it. I was just wondering if it would be something that would really benefit a high performance athlete. It kind of sounds cool, but is it really what they need?
I so want to learn this!!! Please Please Please if any of you know more about it.....tell us.
I agree, it is very similar to the pin-and-strectch technique. I haven't taken any courses myself but I would love to.
At the last Ironman St. George (May 2010) Their was a team of A.R.T Therapists / D.C. that came up from Las Vegas. In my conversations with a few of them I heard great things about how A.R.T. has helped the athlete's. Conversely I had a massage session with a chiropractor trained in A.R.T. and he said that his success rate was about 60%. It can be painful and require multiple sessions to get the results the client needs but a good track record non the less.
I worked for a DC who had taken one of the ART seminars. I watched the video and couldn't stay awake. After looking into the seminars, I decided it wasn't geared toward MTs. The cost is prohibitive, why? Well, it seems like the company is targeting providers who make $$$.
ART is very painful and why insult a client who wants care? I think this kind of therapy leaves an "emotional hangover" with the client, who will be somewhat wary of future treatments. Why hurt someone who is in pain.
Lastly, the ART method is trademarked. Hmmm, how did this happen?
Why not stick with reliable MT educators like Whitney Lowe or Stewart Taws. These guys have great classes that any MT can afford without the "snob appeal."
my 2cents.

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