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Views: 133
Go to for the Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Associations complete list of classes taught around the world.
Jahara, Waterdance, Healing Dance, Hellerwork, Bag Radz?, People come up with new modalities all the time. The first three can be found at Harbin I know. Jahara have their own website. Aquatic resources network does their best to keep the water community informed. Inika the Healing dance instructor could give you more info., she can be contacted through WABA
The general public is woefully underinformed, I do health fairs displaying a video session of Watsu while doing chair massage, it exposes people to the visual idea of Watsu, that is all it took for me to get hooked. I live in a remote area and it is all about education of the population up here, changing lives one session at a time. I could be doing a lot more contacting medical people, I have a standing offer of a free Watsu to a Dr. PT,DO or DC to get them to understand this resource is available. Overhead from my pool has limited the resources to advertize, most forms of advertizing are minimally effective. The intrest ebbs and flows. I had to quit heating the pool for a month this summer for lack of interest, seems to be a little better now. It has been a really tough year.
I have been moderating the Aquatic Network ( for aquatic therapists) and recognize this lack also. This network is building an international membership and I believe it will enable the compilation of a much more comprehensive list. This new network could also contribute to that. I do hope to provide or facilitate such a collection at some point. As the comments here reveal, there are many forms of aquatic bodywork/massage and they are still evolving. I'm also working on some useful but hopefully not exclusionary definitions and descriptions of these. Thanks Mike for the very important question and prompt.
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