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Hi all~

What is a fair hourly wage (+ tips) for a masseuse with over 10 years experience?


I am interviewing this coming week for a position and have no real idea....


$15/hr? If an average tip is around $10, I can't imagine working for less than $25/hr total...of course, I understand that there will be hours when I am being paid and have no client. I am unfamiliar with this kind of pay structure. I did know one therapist with a fair amount of experience who was being paid $8/hr at an independent establishment--not Massage Envy. I thought that was appalling!



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I pay my independent contractor $30/hour plus gratuities for regularly priced services. If we're having an Event like a Groupon or some other deep discount special she gets $20-25/hour plus gratuities. For each regularly priced service she can earn anywhere from $30 to $60 plus gratuities. She also earns commission on any series packages she sells.

Hi, I live in CT and an hour of just a massage is $65 and Deep tissue massage is $80. It also depends on the service you offer.

Deep tissue, Charka balance, Accupressure these all play a part of how much you ask for the hour. 


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