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I've been asked to mentor a 14 yr old girl in how to manage her energy field. Several of my reiki associates feel that this is a bad idea because they have not learned to controal their egos at this age. I want to teach her because she is experiencing asbergers, turretts and possibly some degree of autism. I believe that if she can learn to ground and center she can better manage her symptoms. I would like to speak with any energy worker who has experience with teens and or children who experience asbergers, turretts, and autism.

Jennifer Ann

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Hi Jennifer,
Your question is timely and important for me right now.
I'm corresponding with a few local Mothers who are interested in introducing their children to Energy Medicine. Soon, I'll host a workshop for children and youth age four months - 15. The 15 year old, my eldest Grand, will help with the babies so Mothers can interact more with their older children.
The son of one of my Lightworker friends is Autistic. He's 30 and has had many introductions to ways to "manage his energy field".
Trust your own instincts and teach your mentoree to trust her own instincts as well.
Peaceful Blessings,
Hello Jennifer.
I have been practicing Polarity EnergyWork for 11 years.
I think as soon as an individual, whatever age is comfortable looking inward and has the ability to understand what is actually happening can learn to ground, and it will be highly beneficial. I have worked with a few children with massage/polarity and nutrition for balancing attention energies. My recommendation is to set the appointment times shorter and more frequent to focus on repetetive routines and of course attention span.
I also have a good friend, master therapist who has worked with kids specifically with asbergres and autism. His son was born with special needs and he worked with him regularly, Alex just graduated from University of Hawaii with honors!
If you would like me to arrange for you to speak with him, I'd be happy to connect you.
I can be reached at 415.250.8357.

I'll be lunt I don't know anything about these conditions or treating them but I was moved to answer and echo the other respondents. As an energy worker I believe our clents come to us when we are most able to help them. And that new challenges build our owns skills. Great success
Hello Jennifer,

I haven't worked with asbergers, turretts, or autism. My information is one of personal experience. Since I was ten I was diagnosed with manic depression. I had some really tough times dealing with my emotions that always seemed ten times the size of me. How can this little body hold onto all that emotion and not explode. If someone had approached me at 15 and said hey here are some great things you can do to help yourself stay calm under pressures and chaos. I would have been very glad to take the lessons. No one wants to feel out of control as if it's all out of their hands. Teaching this would be empowering and build confidence as well as body/mind awareness. Why wouldn't anyone be in favor of that? If energy work proves to be to much at first (for her to learn that is) I would take baby steps and start with deep breathing/meditation techniques. It took me a long time to find my path on my own and to know that it isn't out of my hands. In my journey I found the reason my emotions were so difficult to manage was because most of the time they weren't mine. I was so sensitive to others that I was taking on their energies. I certainly could have benefited from knowing energy work , protection and grounding. I say service in the best interest of the person others will eventually see the goodness in it and agree.
I have no experience with asbergers, turretts, and autism however I was born Epileptic. I have been doing energy work for quite sometime, both those I have leanred and those that come to me naturally, i.e. without formal training. I do not see an issue with working with someone that age. I would caution every energy worker not to work on someone younger then that age. I believe it will introduce them to the love and the light and make certain stages of entering adulthood more manageable. Evidently, you are comfortable and know this young person and believe that she will benefit from the training so I would say, maybe meditate on it and just do everything with love and light.


Hi All,
The Children's Workshop was great. It was an honor for me to teach the very basics of being aware of our own Energy Field as well as blending our Energies with everyone who attended. Several of the youth shared their own experiences of "seeing colored lights around people" or "thinking about something and then a few days later it happens".
I'd like to add one thing, Jennifer. I mentioned a 30 year old friend of mine who is Autistic. Watching him grow up, I think the greatest leap he made in learning to communicate that I witnessed was when his Mom took him to a BodyTalk Practitioner. I don't know anything about BodyTalk but here's a website I looked up for you.
Peaceful Blessings,

Neena Wagnon said:
Hi Jennifer,
Your question is timely and important for me right now.
I'm corresponding with a few local Mothers who are interested in introducing their children to Energy Medicine. Soon, I'll host a workshop for children and youth age four months - 15. The 15 year old, my eldest Grand, will help with the babies so Mothers can interact more with their older children.
The son of one of my Lightworker friends is Autistic. He's 30 and has had many introductions to ways to "manage his energy field".
Trust your own instincts and teach your mentoree to trust her own instincts as well.
Peaceful Blessings,
i believe that teaching children how to ground and center along with other techniques will assist them in positvely making the transition to young adults. it doesn't not matter if they have a disability or not. energy work will balance and help them keep a clear head in all situations that they encounter. i have a 13 year old and we do energy work together. do what you are lead to do. remember for the good of all. blessings cputnam
Hi folks.

The original post mentions training someone to "manage her energy field." I'm curious - what would you say to someone, such as myself, who is skeptical that there is any such energy field?

Hi Jennifer,
My knowledge of energy work is minimal. I ask one favor of you and all energy workers. Document as much as possible. Documentation will bring more people, thus money and interest to the field. And I would like to see it grow.
It was awesome to have you in one of my seminars at the World Massage Festival in Texas. Your energy is incredible. God bless you for tapping into your spiritual gift to help others.
James Waslaski/ Orthopedic Massage
p.s. " Never give up intuition for Science"
Hi,  I completed Reiki 1 a little earlier than that.  It was a major part of what helped me survive high school.  I think it is up to the individual.  It is up to you, her and her parents.  You could also consult with her mental health professional.  It made a complete differnece for me.  I advise Reiki 1 only until after high school  because that was my experience and what worked  for me.

Hi Jennifer,


Was there any follow up on this situation to share?

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