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Hi!  I have a client that has FMS and CMP.  She has geloid masses on the back of her knees that cause her severe pain and when she comes in for a massage she wants very deep tissue behind her knees (along with her neck and hips) - Has anyone had any experience with both of these conditions? Would love to hear from you.  Thanks, Kerry

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Kerry, Geloid masses behind her knees could easily be Baker's cysts. You need to be very careful here.  She could also have a posterior tibial shift, which is a whole lot more common that most people realize.  A small shift won't show up on an X-Ray, but will make her life a misery. I'd start with fascial work. I've not met a FMS/CMP person yet with an intact & properly functioning lymphatic system.  The two syndromes overlap & interfere with each other. You should use reciprocal inhibition on the neck, and she should see a DC to get her hips & knees adjusted.

Hi Kay,


Thank you for replying.  According to her doctor, the masses behind her knees are from her FMS.  She likes it super super deep and she states that is the only thing that gives her relief. 

Doctors can be wrong.  I'm not saying her is, but anytime you have squishy masses that aren't tumors, it'a pretty good indication that lymphatics are compromised. I'm not saying deep work shouldn't be done, I'm suggesting you look past the initial symptoms, and up the fascial chain.

Hi Kay,


Thank you. I do appreicate your advice and will definitely look into it.

Kay Warren said:

Doctors can be wrong.  I'm not saying her is, but anytime you have squishy masses that aren't tumors, it'a pretty good indication that lymphatics are compromised. I'm not saying deep work shouldn't be done, I'm suggesting you look past the initial symptoms, and up the fascial chain.

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