massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
That means stop putting your website in posts that describe how great a therapist you are and how great an educator you are and then directing people to your site in the post with more of your great classes and more of your great videos.
It's bad enough when people do it once or twice, but when it's in every forum post it's kind of annoying. We all have a place in our account page for "about me" where everyone can list whatever they want about themselves - that should be enough.
I know Lara does a great job on here and ABMP has done us all a favor by creating this site, but when people are obviously using the site for their own financial benefit by using it just to sell their stuff to MTs, it's uncool.
If you just share your experiences it should be enough to get people interested.
Views: 120
The same thing happens on every forum and website for MTs, unfortunately. Two-thirds of the people who connect with me on LinkedIn are trying to sell something. I have un-friended people on FB because it was obvious they were cruising my friend list just to sell their products.
By way of explanation, every blog post I put here does lead back to my own website for the following reason: My blog first originated on Massage Magazine's website at their request. Then ABMP asked me to blog here prior to their launch of this site. Then Massage Today asked me to blog on their site, and it became overwhelming to try to keep up three blogs. So I created another website for myself, I write one blog, and part of it gets copied to all the other places and redirected back to my site. Google penalizes you for copying exact content in more than one place, so I vary the paragraphs etc on the other sites it's copied to and redirect back to my site. I don't normally mention my website during forum discussions. I have directed people who asked questions on the forums about struggling with their business to my videos on occasion, but they're all free. I don't sell them, they're available for free for anyone to watch on my website or on youtube. I hope that hasn't been offensive to you or anyone else. I'd hate to offend Vlad is now roadkill ;)
Hi Vlad.
Thanks for post. No doubt if you will convince me that I'm doing something wrong I will stop it and will appreciate your help to prevent or correct wrongdoing .When I offering topic for discussions in the form of articles or by sharing information by different means, in the end I do including my website address. My thinking is. If some of my colleagues will like what I'm writing about and will be willing to learn more on my work they will click on website. There is no chance that anyone will click on website if they not like subject,or my professional opinions. Additionally on my website I'm offering links to the free medical and sports massage Lessons. Honestly a lot of practitioners sending to me thank you e-mails for this free lessons. Also I am teaching continued education classes and posting information on website. If practitioners will feel that topics is of their interest then they will take my classes. This is my views. Honestly do not feel wrong doing.
Best wishes.
You're obviously a strong minded person, but if you consider that you might be putting people completely off, then maybe you'll change your mind on this one. Anyone can see a link to your site in your account - there is not need to continually tell people that you have *free* information to give when it's an obvious method to drive people to your site on which you sell to massage therapists. There is also no need to put your site at the end of every post. You might look at the Guidelines for the site and argue that you're not in violation of them for some of your posts, but it's an obvious marketing strategy to sell to therapists. Oh, and by the way, you are breaking the rules when you bring pricing into posts, so your promotion of $2.99 video rentals shouldn't be mentioned on here at all. Also, in your group you've got the prices of your CE classes plastered all over it is breaking the guidelines.
If you look at the guidelines it says:
"3. Advertising is not permitted. All advertising/solicitation posts for products, services, or money will be removed. If someone is advertising, please report the issue. Understandably, you may want to get the word out regarding your offerings and services; Following are your options to do so:
* On your own page, you can list your offerings and a "for more information" website link, but do not include prices.
* You can blog about your offerings, as this is optional for readers, but again, please do not include prices.
* Defer from sending direct messages and/or group emails to groups or site members promoting your offerings. This will be considered spam.
* And finally, please do not include your offerings as a forum topic or group discussion, or create a group based on your advertising agenda."
I haven't joined your group, but if you're breaking any of the guidelines above or blanket emailing people within your group promoting your selling tools or your videos, you're pretty much saying "Screw the rules, I can do whatever I want", which is uncool, unprofessional and basically a crappy thing to do.
A lot of practitioners might be thankful for all your free videos, but there are probably an equal number of therapists that don't say anything and get annoyed at people constantly trying to sell to them. Since massage therapists are generally nice people, they're less likely to complain about it. The fact that so many do this on here (it's not just you - I know others on here do it) has damaged this site. Some of us come on here and say "OK, what are they selling?" as being the first thing that comes to mind.
But I doubt this will make any difference to you or any other seller on here since money is involved.
(Oh - and Laura, this wasn't directed at you - although it's interesting when people automatically think "Oh - that's referring to me", whereas others don't give a rat's arse what anyone thinks :) Slainte! ).
Hi Vlad.
Probably you have some reason to conclude that I am strong minded person.actually this is true when it comes to some opinions related to massage therapy. On the other side of me if I am making some mistakes I trying immediately to correct it. I'm sorry that I'm made you mad .I'm really do,and do appreciate your time for replying to me. I am aware that my website possessing information on prices, but you mentioned $2.99 rentals at this site, not what I aware. I did try to look for it but couldn't find. Again I ask a favor to show me.will remove it immediately. I know that advertising can annoy and agree with you ,let me think if placing website in the bottom of the article is really advertising. I mean this is free choice and decision of one to click or not to click on it. In any case I appreciate your e-mail very much, and really sorry if contributed to irritation.will do everything in order to avoid it for a future. Honestly my participations at social media is very new for me and I'm learning including from your e-mail.
Vlad is now roadkill said:
You're obviously a strong minded person, but if you consider that you might be putting people completely off, then maybe you'll change your mind on this one. Anyone can see a link to your site in your account - there is not need to continually tell people that you have *free* information to give when it's an obvious method to drive people to your site on which you sell to massage therapists. There is also no need to put your site at the end of every post. You might look at the Guidelines for the site and argue that you're not in violation of them for some of your posts, but it's an obvious marketing strategy to sell to therapists. Oh, and by the way, you are breaking the rules when you bring pricing into posts, so your promotion of $2.99 video rentals shouldn't be mentioned on here at all. Also, in your group you've got the prices of your CE classes plastered all over it is breaking the guidelines.
If you look at the guidelines it says:
"3. Advertising is not permitted. All advertising/solicitation posts for products, services, or money will be removed. If someone is advertising, please report the issue. Understandably, you may want to get the word out regarding your offerings and services; Following are your options to do so:
* On your own page, you can list your offerings and a "for more information" website link, but do not include prices.
* You can blog about your offerings, as this is optional for readers, but again, please do not include prices.
* Defer from sending direct messages and/or group emails to groups or site members promoting your offerings. This will be considered spam.
* And finally, please do not include your offerings as a forum topic or group discussion, or create a group based on your advertising agenda."
I haven't joined your group, but if you're breaking any of the guidelines above or blanket emailing people within your group promoting your selling tools or your videos, you're pretty much saying "Screw the rules, I can do whatever I want", which is uncool, unprofessional and basically a crappy thing to do.
A lot of practitioners might be thankful for all your free videos, but there are probably an equal number of therapists that don't say anything and get annoyed at people constantly trying to sell to them. Since massage therapists are generally nice people, they're less likely to complain about it. The fact that so many do this on here (it's not just you - I know others on here do it) has damaged this site. Some of us come on here and say "OK, what are they selling?" as being the first thing that comes to mind.
But I doubt this will make any difference to you or any other seller on here since money is involved.
(Oh - and Laura, this wasn't directed at you - although it's interesting when people automatically think "Oh - that's referring to me", whereas others don't give a rat's arse what anyone thinks :) Slainte! ).
Hi, Boris--
"I am aware that my website possessing information on prices, but you mentioned $2.99 rentals at this site, not what I aware. I did try to look for it but couldn't find."
Found it for you. See attached screenshot as well.
"The role of Medical Massage in improvement of sexual satisfaction"
"To obtain results, fifty percent of massage should be spent on kneading. Soon I will release video file for $2.99 Rent. At this video I will familiarize you with few easy to perform, various kneading techniques used in Medical Massage. We will alternate and I will teach you combination of different types of easy to perform massage techniques that will include kneading."
Hi Vlad.
Probably you have some reason to conclude that I am strong minded person.actually this is true when it comes to some opinions related to massage therapy. On the other side of me if I am making some mistakes I trying immediately to correct it. I'm sorry that I'm made you mad .I'm really do,and do appreciate your time for replying to me. I am aware that my website possessing information on prices, but you mentioned $2.99 rentals at this site, not what I aware. I did try to look for it but couldn't find. Again I ask a favor to show me.will remove it immediately. I know that advertising can annoy and agree with you ,let me think if placing website in the bottom of the article is really advertising. I mean this is free choice and decision of one to click or not to click on it. In any case I appreciate your e-mail very much, and really sorry if contributed to irritation.will do everything in order to avoid it for a future. Honestly my participations at social media is very new for me and I'm learning including from your e-mail.
Vlad is now roadkill said:Boris,
You're obviously a strong minded person, but if you consider that you might be putting people completely off, then maybe you'll change your mind on this one. Anyone can see a link to your site in your account - there is not need to continually tell people that you have *free* information to give when it's an obvious method to drive people to your site on which you sell to massage therapists. There is also no need to put your site at the end of every post. You might look at the Guidelines for the site and argue that you're not in violation of them for some of your posts, but it's an obvious marketing strategy to sell to therapists. Oh, and by the way, you are breaking the rules when you bring pricing into posts, so your promotion of $2.99 video rentals shouldn't be mentioned on here at all. Also, in your group you've got the prices of your CE classes plastered all over it is breaking the guidelines.
If you look at the guidelines it says:
"3. Advertising is not permitted. All advertising/solicitation posts for products, services, or money will be removed. If someone is advertising, please report the issue. Understandably, you may want to get the word out regarding your offerings and services; Following are your options to do so:
* On your own page, you can list your offerings and a "for more information" website link, but do not include prices.
* You can blog about your offerings, as this is optional for readers, but again, please do not include prices.
* Defer from sending direct messages and/or group emails to groups or site members promoting your offerings. This will be considered spam.
* And finally, please do not include your offerings as a forum topic or group discussion, or create a group based on your advertising agenda."
I haven't joined your group, but if you're breaking any of the guidelines above or blanket emailing people within your group promoting your selling tools or your videos, you're pretty much saying "Screw the rules, I can do whatever I want", which is uncool, unprofessional and basically a crappy thing to do.
A lot of practitioners might be thankful for all your free videos, but there are probably an equal number of therapists that don't say anything and get annoyed at people constantly trying to sell to them. Since massage therapists are generally nice people, they're less likely to complain about it. The fact that so many do this on here (it's not just you - I know others on here do it) has damaged this site. Some of us come on here and say "OK, what are they selling?" as being the first thing that comes to mind.
But I doubt this will make any difference to you or any other seller on here since money is involved.
(Oh - and Laura, this wasn't directed at you - although it's interesting when people automatically think "Oh - that's referring to me", whereas others don't give a rat's arse what anyone thinks :) Slainte! ).
Hi Raven.
thank you very much. My goodness this is in the body of article. Really sorry. Will ask my technical support fellow to take action immediately. Tape is not ready, it will be in the future.I hope because of it will get some disapproval discount.
Sorry .
Best wishes.
Ravensara Travillian said:
Hi, Boris--
"I am aware that my website possessing information on prices, but you mentioned $2.99 rentals at this site, not what I aware. I did try to look for it but couldn't find."
Found it for you. See attached screenshot as well.
"The role of Medical Massage in improvement of sexual satisfaction"
"To obtain results, fifty percent of massage should be spent on kneading. Soon I will release video file for $2.99 Rent. At this video I will familiarize you with few easy to perform, various kneading techniques used in Medical Massage. We will alternate and I will teach you combination of different types of easy to perform massage techniques that will include kneading."
Boris Prilutsky said:
Hi Vlad.
Probably you have some reason to conclude that I am strong minded person.actually this is true when it comes to some opinions related to massage therapy. On the other side of me if I am making some mistakes I trying immediately to correct it. I'm sorry that I'm made you mad .I'm really do,and do appreciate your time for replying to me. I am aware that my website possessing information on prices, but you mentioned $2.99 rentals at this site, not what I aware. I did try to look for it but couldn't find. Again I ask a favor to show me.will remove it immediately. I know that advertising can annoy and agree with you ,let me think if placing website in the bottom of the article is really advertising. I mean this is free choice and decision of one to click or not to click on it. In any case I appreciate your e-mail very much, and really sorry if contributed to irritation.will do everything in order to avoid it for a future. Honestly my participations at social media is very new for me and I'm learning including from your e-mail.
Vlad is now roadkill said:Boris,
You're obviously a strong minded person, but if you consider that you might be putting people completely off, then maybe you'll change your mind on this one. Anyone can see a link to your site in your account - there is not need to continually tell people that you have *free* information to give when it's an obvious method to drive people to your site on which you sell to massage therapists. There is also no need to put your site at the end of every post. You might look at the Guidelines for the site and argue that you're not in violation of them for some of your posts, but it's an obvious marketing strategy to sell to therapists. Oh, and by the way, you are breaking the rules when you bring pricing into posts, so your promotion of $2.99 video rentals shouldn't be mentioned on here at all. Also, in your group you've got the prices of your CE classes plastered all over it is breaking the guidelines.
If you look at the guidelines it says:
"3. Advertising is not permitted. All advertising/solicitation posts for products, services, or money will be removed. If someone is advertising, please report the issue. Understandably, you may want to get the word out regarding your offerings and services; Following are your options to do so:
* On your own page, you can list your offerings and a "for more information" website link, but do not include prices.
* You can blog about your offerings, as this is optional for readers, but again, please do not include prices.
* Defer from sending direct messages and/or group emails to groups or site members promoting your offerings. This will be considered spam.
* And finally, please do not include your offerings as a forum topic or group discussion, or create a group based on your advertising agenda."
I haven't joined your group, but if you're breaking any of the guidelines above or blanket emailing people within your group promoting your selling tools or your videos, you're pretty much saying "Screw the rules, I can do whatever I want", which is uncool, unprofessional and basically a crappy thing to do.
A lot of practitioners might be thankful for all your free videos, but there are probably an equal number of therapists that don't say anything and get annoyed at people constantly trying to sell to them. Since massage therapists are generally nice people, they're less likely to complain about it. The fact that so many do this on here (it's not just you - I know others on here do it) has damaged this site. Some of us come on here and say "OK, what are they selling?" as being the first thing that comes to mind.
But I doubt this will make any difference to you or any other seller on here since money is involved.
(Oh - and Laura, this wasn't directed at you - although it's interesting when people automatically think "Oh - that's referring to me", whereas others don't give a rat's arse what anyone thinks :) Slainte! ).
Vlad I think that might be because you spelled it Laura instead of Lara if you were referring to the sites builder. I was confused by your initial post as it did sound like half calling out of of someone who spells their name Laura.
Going off topic here, I hope you won't be annoyed if I say that you might want to consider having your main posts proof-read by someone who has a good grasp of the English language, especially since you're also posting them on your website. Since the matter of semantics was brought up in one of your threads, it might be an idea to email your post to a colleague and get them to correct any errors in grammar before posting it, that way there should be less confusion over what you are aiming to communicate. I hope you don't take this as a criticism, but more of an idea to aid to you in any further topics you're planning.
Hi Vlad.
I can assure you that you do not annoying me and if this is criticism than it is constructive criticism which I am very open to it . And even appreciate it and see it as a good intentions towards me.
I know my English is not perfect, far from it. The point is, that before posting my articles I am giving it to technical writers to doublecheck English grammar as well as articulations. If it's still not good then I disappointed in their work. If you could find grammar errors that means you do know very well English and if you don't mind my future articles I can send to you for review after technical writers will do the job. It will be great. I am constantly presenting to massage therapists, MDs, chiropractors, physical therapists , and looks like they accepting my English including accent very well. It also helps that in the time of presentations most of the time I am demonstrating hands-on. Of course reading, it is a different perception. On level of English and better I know six languages. This is also can confuse me. But most important we are communicating and having some understanding. Thanks again.
Best wishes.
PS.BTW. Raven have corrected me that social medical diseases stand for sexual transmitted diseases. I did appreciate it. Then one hour after saying to her thanks I had a client, American fellow, lawyer. Just off the curiosity asked him again. He said no way, this doesn't stand for sexual transmitted diseases. At the time my technical support person already changed it in article to stress related diseases. I contact him and said Michael redo it back. For some reason and this was wrong on my end, I trusted more this lawyer. Raven my apology and thank you where right 100%. Just off the phone with my son who is American trained doctor, and he said to me that you where right. I already e-mailed to my technical support person to change it ASAP. Why did I call to my son?
Because you Vlad mentioned English and error, and I just got intuition to check it again. Life is good. Thank you guys.
Going off topic here, I hope you won't be annoyed if I say that you might want to consider having your main posts proof-read by someone who has a good grasp of the English language, especially since you're also posting them on your website. Since the matter of semantics was brought up in one of your threads, it might be an idea to email your post to a colleague and get them to correct any errors in grammar before posting it, that way there should be less confusion over what you are aiming to communicate. I hope you don't take this as a criticism, but more of an idea to aid to you in any further topics you're planning.
Hi Vlad.
I can assure you that you do not annoying me and if this is criticism than it is constructive criticism which I am very open to it . And even appreciate it and see it as a good intentions towards me.
I know my English is not perfect, far from it. The point is, that before posting my articles I am giving it to technical writers to doublecheck English grammar as well as articulations. If it's still not good then I disappointed in their work. If you could find grammar errors that means you do know very well English and if you don't mind my future articles I can send to you for review after technical writers will do the job. It will be great. I am constantly presenting to massage therapists, MDs, chiropractors, physical therapists , and looks like they accepting my English including accent very well. It also helps that in the time of presentations most of the time I am demonstrating hands-on. Of course reading, it is a different perception. On level of English and better I know six languages. This is also can confuse me. But most important we are communicating and having some understanding. Thanks again.
Best wishes.
PS.BTW. Raven have corrected me that social medical diseases stand for sexual transmitted diseases. I did appreciate it. Then one hour after saying to her thanks I had a client, American fellow, lawyer. Just off the curiosity asked him again. He said no way, this doesn't stand for sexual transmitted diseases. At the time my technical support person already changed it in article to stress related diseases. I contact him and said Michael redo it back. For some reason and this was wrong on my end, I trusted more this lawyer. Raven my apology and thank you where right 100%. Just off the phone with my son who is American trained doctor, and he said to me that you where right. I already e-mailed to my technical support person to change it ASAP. Why did I call to my son?
Because you Vlad mentioned English and error, and I just got intuition to check it again. Life is good. Thank you guys.
Vlad is now roadkill said:
Going off topic here, I hope you won't be annoyed if I say that you might want to consider having your main posts proof-read by someone who has a good grasp of the English language, especially since you're also posting them on your website. Since the matter of semantics was brought up in one of your threads, it might be an idea to email your post to a colleague and get them to correct any errors in grammar before posting it, that way there should be less confusion over what you are aiming to communicate. I hope you don't take this as a criticism, but more of an idea to aid to you in any further topics you're planning.
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