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I have read good things but would love to hear from you. Whats the good the bad and the ugly. How did you market it to new clients as well as regulars. I've found it on sale from Steam Embrace. So let me know what you think

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I actually work with the steamy wonder on almost a daily basis. We use it for a service called the Body Dew where we exfoliate the skin, then put a seaweed gel on them and lower the canopy and let them steam for about 15 to twenty minutes. The canopy is easy to use I have been working with it for a year and a half now. The company I work for says they used to put aroma therapy into the steamer for an extra treat during service! I work at a spa and we use it about 3 times on a week day and 5 times on a weekend. Another great use for it is steam facials- where we do a cleanse and tone while they steam. We get alot of requests for our steam canopy and quite a few regulars. Most of these clients tried it in the first place becuse they had a gift card. With the regular massage clients who have never had it, I tell them it is great in winter to warm up with and the body dew is beautiful to enhance the hydration of the skin(which works for tan clients with dry skin too!). Hope this helps you.
I know this is an older discussion, but what happened? Did you end up getting one? What do you think of it?
Harmony- are you still using it and would you get one if you had your own company?

Harmony Nagel said:
I actually work with the steamy wonder on almost a daily basis. We use it for a service called the Body Dew where we exfoliate the skin, then put a seaweed gel on them and lower the canopy and let them steam for about 15 to twenty minutes. The canopy is easy to use I have been working with it for a year and a half now. The company I work for says they used to put aroma therapy into the steamer for an extra treat during service! I work at a spa and we use it about 3 times on a week day and 5 times on a weekend. Another great use for it is steam facials- where we do a cleanse and tone while they steam. We get alot of requests for our steam canopy and quite a few regulars. Most of these clients tried it in the first place becuse they had a gift card. With the regular massage clients who have never had it, I tell them it is great in winter to warm up with and the body dew is beautiful to enhance the hydration of the skin(which works for tan clients with dry skin too!). Hope this helps you.
I got my steamy wonder about 2 months ago and I love it. I haven't been in it myself (being prego) but my friends and clients were really impressed and love it and come out of their sessions even more satisfied. I have added many more sessions and it has added value to my weight-loss program. There are real results with wrap-less wraps. Best investment. I even got clients who dont like heat to enjoy the treatment. I have some other services to add but I can not wait for winter.!!!!

Marissa Macias said:
I know this is an older discussion, but what happened? Did you end up getting one? What do you think of it?
Congrats mama! I've been devouring as much information as I can come accross. Called them, website, etc. I'm glad to have found some first hand responses! It's a steep purchase, but if the benefits and feed back are worth it, why not?
you are very right and I cant imagine life without it. here is the place I got mine (the least expense). Tell her I sent you. Everything you may need she has.

I stand my canopy up in a corner in my room, but they have a pulley so you can hand it in your room. (it's extra) let me know what you end up doing.

Marissa Macias said:
Congrats mama! I've been devouring as much information as I can come accross. Called them, website, etc. I'm glad to have found some first hand responses! It's a steep purchase, but if the benefits and feed back are worth it, why not?

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