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A friend of mine who lives out of state contacted me last night to see if I could please help her. She is having a lot of low back pain and her massage therapist told her it's her psoas muscle but she prefers not to work on those. My friend is wanting to know what emotions and bodymind connections are associated with the psoas muscle. Can someone please help me? Thank you!

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The "fight or flight" muscle.......I love working on the psoas. People usually respond very well.


Liz Koch wrote a book called "The Psoas Book". There seems to be some kind of downloadable mp3 version:


Maybe that would help answer her questions.


Edited to add: I recently learned a technique called "TRE" that is easy self-care and is centered around releasing tension in the psoas and related muscles.  Maybe it would interest her.



Ruth, I was going to recommend the same things that Lee did!  The Psoas Book is very good at explaining the mind/body connection of the psoas.  And the Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE's) are easy to do at home (10-15 minutes a day).  I work on most of my clients psoas muscles; in my opinion they are one of the most important muscles to work on.
Protection of basic self. Its down near red orange and yellow energy centers. Could be involed in personal space and saftey. My lower back is an area I want to protect so psoas is involed in that drama. It literaly connects upper and lower body so issues can come up about not being in the lower body.
Its easy for us to identify with our upper bodies and heads, lower body is much more difficult. Emotions also like to hide in muscles that are hard to get to. Our bodies can be kinda litreal ex I don't say everything I need to and jaw muscles are problematic.
Low Back problems and connections with anterior muscles is a great interest to me; even though this wasn't a question I had or had an answer to I'm gratful for the advice and book suggestion. Thank you!
Thank you for the input and advice and recommendations! I love the book!
Great!  I'm glad you love the book!  It changed my perspective and understanding when I read it.  Good stuff!

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