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Skin Conditions

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When my client fills out their health intake I ask about the skin. I also keep my massage office well lit so I can be on the look out for anything suspicious. If I have any doubt I avoid the area. I have sensitive skin myself so I am pretty well versed on what is contagious and what isn't etc. Warts are viral and you should most definately wear a finger cot until it is completely gone. I feel you on hating that...I'm not a fan either....but unfortunately it is important to have a barrier between your wart (as it is healing also) and your clients skin. I wish a fast recovery for you!

Thanks for your reply :) I also have something on my intake about skin conditions but I've noticed that people tend to forget that warts are contagious or something so they don't mark it on the form, it's weird. I did think about the fact that I have pretty dim lighting in my room, but isn't it less relaxing for the clients when it's too bright in the room? I actually went and bought something that just freezes it off and it worked fast! I was pretty happy about that. Wearing the cots seems really awkward and uncomfortable. Obviously if I really need to I will, but the stuff I bought really worked quick!

Lucianna Johnston said:

When my client fills out their health intake I ask about the skin. I also keep my massage office well lit so I can be on the look out for anything suspicious. If I have any doubt I avoid the area. I have sensitive skin myself so I am pretty well versed on what is contagious and what isn't etc. Warts are viral and you should most definately wear a finger cot until it is completely gone. I feel you on hating that...I'm not a fan either....but unfortunately it is important to have a barrier between your wart (as it is healing also) and your clients skin. I wish a fast recovery for you!

I have a section where I ask them to circle anything that applies to them.....I have allergies, sinusitis, warts, they can circle if they have it....that might help...hope you get better quick! Just curious, for my head file - what is the product you used?

Oh also, re the lighting...I find that when they are face down the light is a non issue. When they are face up I offer an eye pillow - I use a paper barrier ....I find it makes no difference what so ever. They still seem perfectly content :).


Trina Joy Pelletier said:

Thanks for your reply :) I also have something on my intake about skin conditions but I've noticed that people tend to forget that warts are contagious or something so they don't mark it on the form, it's weird. I did think about the fact that I have pretty dim lighting in my room, but isn't it less relaxing for the clients when it's too bright in the room? I actually went and bought something that just freezes it off and it worked fast! I was pretty happy about that. Wearing the cots seems really awkward and uncomfortable. Obviously if I really need to I will, but the stuff I bought really worked quick!

Lucianna Johnston said:

When my client fills out their health intake I ask about the skin. I also keep my massage office well lit so I can be on the look out for anything suspicious. If I have any doubt I avoid the area. I have sensitive skin myself so I am pretty well versed on what is contagious and what isn't etc. Warts are viral and you should most definately wear a finger cot until it is completely gone. I feel you on hating that...I'm not a fan either....but unfortunately it is important to have a barrier between your wart (as it is healing also) and your clients skin. I wish a fast recovery for you!

Oh ok. That's a good idea with having specific conditions for them to circle. The product I used was just a walgreens brand Cryogenic Wart Removal system. It uses a spray can with some foam applicators. I only had to use it once and totally killed it :) Works great and was pretty cheap. Also interesting about the eye pillow :) I love hearing new ideas and different ways people do things.


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