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Please share what you do and how you started becoming interested in energy work.

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While I was enrolled in massage school I noticed that my favorite trades were with a woman who incorporated energy work into her sessions. It got me curious and I have since taken classes in Reiki and Chakra work.
After radiation treatment post cancer, I was left with terrible pain in both hips. The doctors answer was to prescribe narcotics and I knew I did not want to rely on narcotic pain relief the rest of my life. A friend suggested Healing Touch which I was very skeptical of. It sounded too weird for me. But it relieved my pain and I became a believer and wanted to share this powerful work with others. In the Midwest - the Bible belt, I feared energy work would not sell, so I went back to school for Massage Therapy later taking classes in Healing Energy, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and Acupressure. All have contributed to making me a better massage therapist. I am glad I took the first step in experimenting with energy work. I could not give a massage without it now. Clients can tell the difference.
I was drawn to working with energy through my religious practices which raise energy to honor deity and affect positive change in the world. At one point, my mom was introduced to Reiki and received her level 1 attunement. Around this time I had my wisdom teeth out. I took one dose of my pain med, and my mom sent Reiki while I was waiting for it to kick in. I had such a positive shift, I can't explain it...but I didn't need to take any more of the pain killer, and I think I healed more quickly than I would have without the Reiki. So I resolved to learn it as soon as possible.

I must admit that even though I belong to a religion that believes we are all made of energy and that energy can be consciously used and manipulated to achieve change, I, too am somewhat of a cynical skeptic. I have learned to accept though that things work and exist even if we can't observe or explain the mechanism. It is important to realize that at one point, science couldn't explain electricity or magnetism, even though they obviously exist. Energy work exists and is effective, we just haven't figured out how to explain it yet.

I agree with Diane, clients can tell the difference!
Hello Anna, I think in the field we work in we naturally feel like we need to prove our belief because what we practice, understand, and initiate is something we all have the ability to do but it does take personal persistence and personal endeavor to obtain and maintain the skills to do really good energy work.
As I market my practice I qualify who I'm talking to and speak appropriately so they are comfortable with the practices I'm offering them or people they know.
I market my practice in the Complimentary and Alternative Medicine market. It's familiar and allies with the idea that I can compliment and not necesarily replace thier current care.
In the end, in my space, I realign myself with the importance of confidence, practice, education, and colleauges to bring strength in those times of "woo-woo-ness".
Hope this helps and continue with your hearts desire!

Anna Skinner said:
Hi, thanks for this group. I'm a student with one term left in massage school and took a level-one reiki course last spring. I also do shiatsu and fell in love with it and Chinese medicine. I come from a background as a writer, librarian and professional skeptic, so I'm still figuring out how to get out of my own way and let the energy work, work. Sometimes I still get all up in my head and almost feel like I have apologize for the woo-woo-ness of it all. I also know how powerful it feels to both give and receive, so that's what I try and keep foremost.

Do you ever feel defensive about doing this work?

NIce to meet y'all.


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