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Its my opinion, that im most cases Chiropractors rip off Massage Therapists.  I know Chiropractors that are Billing over $300.00 an hour  to insurance companies for a one hour massage,and pay the massage therapists $60.00 and hour...And they have six therapists working for them six hours a day what choice does a begginer massage therapist have..Its not bad money...Only thing is..that after you gain experience..You will find out that you offer more to the patient then the Chiropractor. After several years working in a chiropractic office I began hearing ...The only reason I see the chiropractor is because I want a massage... My opinion is that a skilled experienced massage therapist has way more to offer a patient then any chiropractor...I dont need em now.  That being said... A chiropractic clinic, is a good place to learn bodywork,and become skilled.  I'm just making a comment on the subject. Yours in Health, Gordon

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That's why the last group blocking state certified/licensed massage in California was the Chiropractic Association. Several attempts at legislation were made. finally the AMA & Church groups stopped blocking us but the Chiropractic Association succeeded in stopping state licensing. Finally they stopped campaigning against us when temporary (2016) voluntary certification by a professional board was proposed. They ruined our chance for mandatory state licensing out of fear we would be independent and cost them the estimated 70% of their business they make from massage. A Chiropractor or Acupuncturists is permitted to open two clinics for massage under their supervision without massage licensing in California.
I worked in a chiropractic office for over a year and a half and I don't consider it a rip off adt all. I leased a room from her at 100 dollars a week and charged 70 dollars per hour so it only took one and a half to start making profit. The key is finding a chiropractor that has your same goals in mind. Dr Harrison was great at referring her patients to me of she was unable to get an easy adjustment. I find massage and adjustments go hand in hand because you can massage muscles all day but if there is a bone out of place the muscles are going to get right back to the dysfunction and vice versa. The only reason I'm not still working with her is because I moved 3 hours away and I knew I hit the jack pot with her and have heard horror stories about other chiropractic offices. So if you were to ask me I would say if you have the time to research a chiropractic office is a great place to be to start and expand your career as a MT.
billing $300 an hour for a massage? lol that's crazy. My chiropractor would never do that. Thankfully I work for an honest one. I do realize that I'm not getting paid a lot just starting out, but It's invaluable experience and looks great for future work and on a resume. I do believe Chiropractors offer something that we cant in regards to structure of the spine and allowing the central nervous system to function at it's best. Yes, as massage therapists we offer so much to the client, but there's a place and time for either/both chiropractic and massage.I just look at it as this is great experience and it will only go up from here :)
Keep in mind that the Chiropractor does not get reimbursed the whole $300 that he bills insurance. For instance, the Chiropractor I work for bills insurance $80 for a one-hour massage, but only gets paid $48 from insurance. Insurance only pays what THEY think the treatment is worth, and that varies among insurance companies, but it's never the same as what WE think the treatment is worth. I get paid (from the Chiropractor) $25 for a one-hour massage on a chiropractic patient and $30 for my private clients.
Yes, I'm aware that the Chiropractor doesn't get reimbursed the whole amount he bills for. I just think billing for $300 sounds dishonest :/
Yeah, that is a rip. I guess I'm lucky. I have my own business and rent space in a Chiro clinic. I get a lot of referals from them and we work really well together. I do my own insurance billing.
When I worked with a Chiropractor twenty years ago we billed $127.00 an hour for massage.  That was work comp. and auto accidents.  That was according to state law, work comp and auto reimbursement codes...Now its $200 to $300 an hour....Alaska and Hawaii... They can bill less if they want...and some do.. But most bill the max...

Sarah Hungerink said:
Keep in mind that the Chiropractor does not get reimbursed the whole $300 that he bills insurance. For instance, the Chiropractor I work for bills insurance $80 for a one-hour massage, but only gets paid $48 from insurance. Insurance only pays what THEY think the treatment is worth, and that varies among insurance companies, but it's never the same as what WE think the treatment is worth. I get paid (from the Chiropractor) $25 for a one-hour massage on a chiropractic patient and $30 for my private clients.
Wow I had no idea that it could be that high legally. The most I've ever seen my Chiropractor bill a massage for is $100- MVA. I guess it's different state to state though?

I just started working in a chiropractors office but Im an independant contractor. We have self pay, insurance & MVA patients and regardless of how much he bills, I get paid 60%. I provide lotions, linens and table but he provides utilities, space, reception, billing, scheduling, advertisement cost (my creation) & referrals. He also trained me and paid for my Chiropractors Assitant Certification so that I can work hourly as an employee while Im building up my own massage practice.

In short, I am soooo blessed to have found such a great place to start off my career. I shadowed them for like 3 months before I started there; went in like once a week or so and just hung out so we could all get to know each other. I am so very pleased that my chiro is not a crook!

Ya that's awesome Jessica. Sounds like a pretty sweet set up :) You are blessed. I worked for a few different Chiropractors and saw some pretty bad stuff from both. It was great medical and business experience though. I'm working for myself out of my home now and I LOVE it! :)


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