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If you are. What states are you in? and If you are not why or did you choose to go the state testing route?
I don't mean to pry I am asking since this is an important decision that I want to make as I make it again.

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I am Florida licensed and Nationally Certified.
I am also Florida licensed and Nationally Certified.
Darcy Neibaur BS LMT NCTMB FL MA 52556
Illinois. I got Nationally Certified as soon as the paperwork came through after graduation. At that time, Illinois was not yet a licensed state, and it was the highest credibility we could receive. Plus, the school I went to was firm in their belief that it would make things easier when it did become time for licensing. It did! Plus, there's comfort in knowing that if I relocate, I would probably have an easier time with transitioning. Good luck! Whichever decision you make will be the best one for you!
I was nationally certified since it's inception. Mainly because at that time there weren't many licensed states. It was also the exam that some states did start recognizing in order to get licensed in their states. Not all were using it at the time, but it did expand. There is also the MBlex exam now that many states are offering. You might want to check into both and see what is best for you. When I moved to hawaii, I had to take their state exam anyway, so the NCB didn't apply.I am currently licensed in No. Carolina and they do accept NCB. If you plan on moving it is a good thing to have it so you can transfer easily - however, you do need to check each state. Unfortunately there is not reciprocity in several states......there are organizations currently trying to work on this ! Good Luck!
I'm Nationally Certified and licensed in NC. "Choosing" to go the state testing route is not usually an option; only Hawaii, New York and Ohio have their own state exams. A number of states now accept the MBLEx; you can see which ones on the Federation's website at
I live in Wisconsin and am nationally certified. We needed to take the national exam before we could become state licensed. You are not able to call yourself a "massage therapist" or " bodyworker" legally in Wisconsin without getting both. Once you have the national certification, you do not have to renew it, which I do not agree with. I will be renewing my national certification this month and will continue to do so as long as I am a massage therapist.

The NCBTMB credential, is one I hold with honor and I also believe it shows professionalism and devotion to high standards.
I'm NCBTMB - certified b/c that test is how Missouri decides if you get a license :)
which website do you recommend?

Samantha J. Bennett said:
I am Missouri State Licensed as well as nationally certified. That was the whole end concept of our massage therapy training in school was to study for and pass the national exam. I believe all who took it in my class passed the first time. It was a lot of studing but just apply to the website that helps ya and take it. It's really not that hard when you're prepared for it- you'll think it's pretty easy.
I am Lenexa, KS licensed and Nationally Certified - NCTMB. I included bodywork because of the energy work I knew I would do. I choose national cerfication because I am so close to Missouri which requires certification and because I believe the extra initials after your name sets you apart in a state that does not require it.
Ok, let me get this right! What's Nationally Certified? What National, what certification?
With all due respect to those who are "Nationally Certified", the last time I checked the "National Certification" is the name of the business, name of the club, IS THE NAME OF THE COMPANY for massage sake!

If your are considering yourself a THERAPEUTIC massage therapist, the education, dedication and professionalism are all a given, no matter what TEST to take in order to get your state license! You are not Nationally recognized what so ever. You are licensed for your own state IF your state requires one!

I will leave it at this because I don't what to hurt people's feelings. After all, they paid much MORE for the "Nationally Certification" test and CEUs which are forced to that 24 hr of them for double the price.( i've got over 50 hr this year anyway )

I am Washington State and NAtional :)


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