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trying o bring in new clients and a good way to advertise for low cost.

I'm fresh out of school and I wanted to know is how to bring in neww clients and a good way to advertise for low cost thank you for your time

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Join the group Almost and Newly Lisenced Therapist. That's a great place to begin.
Figure out what new clients you want to bring in - more specifically - who is your ideal client and what solution do you provide for them? People aren't looking for you - they are looking for a solution to their problem what ever that is - stress, pain, nurturing.

The best thing I have found is a website, submitting it to google local and also just word of mouth/networking. There are also tons of things to to. The thing is that you have to do something everyday and keep changing things up just a little at a time to test and see what works.

I write about a lot of ideas. There are tons of marketing programs and books out there that are also really good.

Joining the Chamber of Commerce was one of the smartest business moves I've ever made. The membership fee was very reasonable, and I immediately recouped that with the advertising and other perks they gave me. They advertised my grand opening, my open houses (first one was attended by 80 people, the last one, just a month or so ago, by more than 250 people), etc. They offer numerous networking opportunities that cost zero; informative classes for small business people that are priced anywhere from free to $15; you get discount vouchers w/local advertising venues when you join. You also get access to the mailing list of all the other members, and the list of benefits just goes on. When I wrote them a thank you note for all they had done for me, the president of the Chamber called and asked my permission to use it in an ad. They ended up taking out a full page ad in the Sunday paper, and MY note was the centerpiece of it, no cost to me. They have also had my picture and my business information in their ads, and have had me appear on the radio to talk about Chamber benefits, which also resulted in free publicity for my business. Join!!
All very good suggestions so far! You are going to find that no matter how much you spend in advertising, regardless if it is newspaper, website, radio, that the best form of advertising is by word of mouth. It is human nature to trust friends and family first. So, when you work on someone, give them the best massage you could ever give. They will turn around and tell someone and then that person is calling you to make appointments too! You may want to invest in referral cards, fairly inexpensive at, and give discounts to those that refer people to you. That way your "regulars" feel like they're helping you out and they get a little something back too. Also, if you are a member of Facebook, they have a business section. List yourself and your appointment availabilities, give discounts for same day appointments or for those who will quickly fill a spot that has been cancelled. We're not talking huge discounts, even 10% people love! You will only be limited by your imagination. Think outside the box! invites you to join us and list your practice FREE for 6 months!

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