massage and bodywork professionals

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All right, I'm going to save my thoughts and questions for the forum- but here it is- MT union? Pros/cons? What are your thoughts?

Also, what happens if we're injured (on the job or off) and cannot work?

Talk amongst yourselves.

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I don't think that we need a union I pay enough fees for the license, continuing education, insurance, and everything else and in this economy I don't need more money bleeding out to someone who most likely will just take my money and do nothing for me. I have a kid to put through college and if I am hurt at work that is what lawyers are for off the job it depends on how, where, when, and if it is my own fault also that is is where savings comes in which is slowly going by the waste side due to the economy so there is my opinion. have a great week
MTs should belong to professional associations rather than unions, after all we want to be regarded as professionals not just workers. The massage associations should take a more proactive approach in become an advocate for massage professionals, and of course we should all be our own advocates for fair treatment as well.

As far as injured on or off the job, I have separate disability insurance to protect me if I can't work, it is a small monthly premium to pay for peace of mind just in case something happens. If you are injured on the job, you can also look into Worker's compensation to see if you qualify. And if you have been paying into Social Security for years you may be eligible for disability benefits from the goverment, though I hear it is hard to qualify. It is a good idea to have a back up plan as well, savings or another type of job (such as a home based business) to have another source of income.
I could be too much of an idealist when I talk about the possibility of unionization- Pat, what you're saying about the professional associations being our advocates- that's pretty much what I'd like. I feel like there's a need for a strong advocate for us. I know the economy's not so hot right now, but it is on the way up again... that's not the point. The point is that I feel like we have high expectations for ourselves (license, ceus, national exam... all good things) but we don't hold our employers up to those same standards. And we don't have any strong group representing us. And also, you know, I live in Chicago, union-town, so it seems like every other group has a union looking out for them (or advocacy association). Teachers, nurses, carpenters, hotel housekeeping. Professional and labor unions are out there. But like I said, I could be just way too much of an idealist...

Now, I have not suffered any professional injuries that haven't been easily remedied by taking it easy and making sure I don't over work myself... it's just something that I'm curious about that I never really considered until I started working full-time as a massage therapist (I'm back down to part-time because I was having a problem with my left ulnar nerve). I was just was wondering what self-protection opportunities are out there for us MTs


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