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Hi folks,
I am interested in how many work with special needs clients. Special needs being those who are afflicted with Spina Bifida, parkinson, C.P. , ALS. ect. and what type of work do you use to assist them . are you more working in the secondary problem areas or primary issues.
all info that you can provide will be appreciated..terry

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thank you for your input. I appreciate any and all information at this time.

Emma Torsey CLMT said:
I work with a man who has parkinsons.I usually do kind of a medium tissue-aromassage-relaxation massage for him and it is really a beautiful thing,the tremmors ease almost to a stop.He said he feels more rested after a massage than a nights sleep.
Thank you Jenny, I appreciate any and all information. there just isn't much real evidence based information around and that is the real problem.. I think this group of people could benefit the most from our services. I think my next step is going to the horses mouth and asking those who are afficted..

Jenny Good said:
Hi Terry,

There have been a few discussions on this forum that might help.

For ALS, see

For Parkinson's, see

The "Medically Frail Client" group may also be useful.
Just an update, I have gone to the different sites (P.D. ,C.P. , S.B. and A.L.S. and have made post asking for feed back from the people who must endure the issues related to them... the turn out has been better than expected. I hope to soon post a base line of info that is directly related to these people so if any one comes accross one that needs assistance that you will have a better understanding of the needs and contraindicators)
My step son was hit by a car April 08 (before that he was a perfectly normal 20 yr old college junior--a body builder at that--his excellent preaccident condition being what probably saved his life...most people don't go head on with a car at 45 mph and live to tell...) The school where I am enrolled has graciously offered to work on him gratis as long as everyone gets a chance to work on him. He has a tramatic brain injury, slight cognative and social imparement and uses a brace on his left leg and has decreased feeling on his left side...left arm is pretty well shot too but he can lift it at the shoulder joint.
His Physical therapist wrote out a list of muscles that stays in his file. We have done some myofacial release on him, modified deep tissue, etc. I really want to learn AIS to assist him, he does get very "balled" up..esp. his hands. I would say we work on his primay issues and then do some focus on relaxation. Good Luck!

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