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When you go some place to get a massage do you inform the therapist the YOU are a massage therapist?  Or do you say you do something else for a living?  

I will be scheduling a massage for myself in the next few days.  I am not sure if I want to say I am a LMT or not.  

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First I see no reason to be deceitful. Besides being in the profession makes the conversation more interesting.


Well , I usually dont inform the massage therapist about my profession. When attending a massage clinic I want the therapist to treat me like a customer. Plus  I despise alot of chatter while trying to receive a massage.

I agree with Daniel.  It's better to not be deceitful.  And there is always a good exchange of information, so we both learn something as well as me getting a good massage.

I don't see non-disclosure of being an MT as deceitful.  

I have had instances where I told the MT that I too am a MT only to have them use my session (for which I was paying) as an opportunity to pick my brain for business/marketing/technical advice.  I have also had newer therapists indicate that they felt intimidated working on someone who was also a MT, thinking that I would feel every "mistake" they made.  Also, like Keebra, there are times that I just want to be treated like any other client and not talk shop.

I've tried it both ways and infinitely prefer being up front about being an MT with the person working on me.  Have to say I prefer the person on my table being up front with me if they were an MTas well.

I usually don't say that I am a LMT.  I think it either puts pressure on the therapist, or they try too hard to impress you with their techniques, or they view it as an invitation to talk during the massage (which I don't like).  I know that I get a little rattled at first when working on another therapist, but then I try to give them the same treatment that I would like to receive myself.

I do say that I am a LMT because I want to be honest. But unless I tell the therapist upfront that I am interested in having quiet time during the session, it becomes a chat fest. I need quiet to get the most benefit out of a session, and most of the time, I don't get that. Personally, I have asked myself this question many times.

If you exchange information it is tax deductible. ;-)

I tend not to tell the MT massageing me that I'm also an MT. Mostly cause I want to  recieve the same treatment as every other client. Although if they do ask what I do I will tell them. I'm not hiding it, just don't want the MT, especially if they are new, to treat me any different from any of their other clients or be nervous.

Have you noticed that when you talk to a new client during the intake, it's usually apparent when they have some kind of medical backround?  It seems to come out in terminology.  

Well, I went for two massages.  The first time I didn't tell the therapist I was a therapist.  I told her about my other job that I have which is also physically demanding.  The massage itself was horrible.  She did not check in with me. I asked for more pressure which she gave me for about 30 seconds both times I asked.  She did not focus on the areas I told her I needed focused on.  The areas that hurt which was why I needed a massage.  I paid for her to rub lotion on me.  And it was almost annoying!  The massage was terrible but it was a learning experience.  I was hoping to pick up a new technique or approach while I was there.  That didn't happen.  However I did learn what NOT to do.  

The second massage I did inform the therapist that I am a new therapist.  And that I just felt like I was a bit sore from work.  That I really just wanted the upper body worked on with focus on shoulders, neck and arms.  The massage was better than the first one.  But she basically wanted to talk about work the entire time.  Even though I was hardly participating in the conversation.  She had a difficult time staying focused on me as a CLIENT.  Which is what I thought would happen.  Again, I was disappointed.  But I learned how important it is to stay client centered.  I FELT the difference during the massage when she was paying attention.

Anyway..... I have decided I won't lie about what I do for a living.  But I may omit It i
As far as the intake interview.  Even though someone may talk like they have medical background..... I don't assume they do.  I knew alot about my body and source of pain prior to goin to school.

Lee Edelberg said:

Have you noticed that when you talk to a new client during the intake, it's usually apparent when they have some kind of medical backround?  It seems to come out in terminology.  

I don't assume either. I just ask.

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