massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

I know, I'm nosey. I was a travel writer.


For six years, I got to travel to Bed & Breakfasts and get massages, all for free, and write about it. So my roots are in traveling, meeting people and hearing their stories. Now I travel around and do The World Massage Festival & Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.

I found the adjustment to a single location massage establishment, inside a strip mall, very confining. So I started a way to stay "in the massage world and travel!" But that is another story!

What's your story? What did you do before massage? Tell us of your travels and what massage is like where you are, especially if you massage outside the U.S. We really like pictures, if possible.


If you get bored come see me at my page

Thanks and welcome to Massage Professionals!

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I was working as a security screener (TSA). I'd done it for three years. I hated it. It's an unforgiving,stressful job. My doc pretty much told me if I didn't get my stress level under control I'd have a heart attack by 30. I have a bs in criminal justice but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. An ad for bsom came on and mentioned they'd move locally. I'm a big believer in the universe telling you stuff. So I visited campus. I juggled school and work for 12.5 months. I got my license and resigned from tsa shortly after reaching 5 years. I fell in love with massage and haven't looked back. It was the best move I ever made.
Well James, it's great to meet you. Welcome aboard!! You are a "Massage Therapy Pioneer!" I hope you are able to make it to Festival and be honored for your service to the massage profession.

I have always been a touching person who likes to touch and be touched,While in the navy got massage when in port -back then a massage was $5.00 or so. Was in industrial maintenance-lost a finger and the use of rt. hand for awhile went to phyical therapy after regaining the use of the hand -started night school for P.T. for 7 yrs.,changed over to massage school-been doing massage here in Dayton,Oh. for 23 yrs. I would like a massage every day if I had enough people to trade or the money to hire it done.I try to get at least 1 massage per wk.
Great Question!
I'm a former technical writer (hi tech), sales & marketing coordinator for a successful magazine (& soccer mom). All the years on the computer had left me w/ chronic neck & shoulder pain.
Massage therapy healed me.
I left the cubicle (& security) to train & work in a field I thought was important, meaningful & always interesting.
I was comming out of a divorce, in which my ex (of 30 yrs) left me to take up with the wife of a couple with whom we were friends with -ouch - once the "dust settled" I took early retirement from my "secure" job as a tenured certified teaching assistant and enrolled into school full time to be come a massage therapist. Graduated in June and just recieved my NYState license over a week ago!!!! Loved working with kids, but it was time to move on into my "next" act in life. If I had stayed married I would not be in this profession so there is definitely a silver linning in my "dark cloud". I'm thrilled to be doing what I REALLY want, massage and being an artist. My talents are in my hands!
I worked for a 5 county mental health agency. I was a Community Support Worker for the Chronic Mentally Ill! I loved it! It really didn't bother me that it sometimes took years before you could see an improvement! Then they might have an exacerbation of their symptoms no matter what was done! With massage, to have someone in so much pain that they can hardly walk in or suffering with a headache or migraine and all feel better within an hour to hour and a half, that is really satisfying! It is so rewarding to be able to help people improve the quality of their life!
Currently I am a patient care assoc and a full time mom. I work 2 12hr shifts and 2 8hr shifts. I've been doing this kind of work since I was in 11th grade. Tired of the stress and the body aches as well as working and answering to others. I figured it was time for a change so I took up Massage Therapy and I LOVE it.
I managed the laundry/Linen and Environmental Services Departments of a 400 bed acute care hospital for over 17 years
I practiced nursing in both hospital and office settings until I had children and became a stay at home mom. Then as the kids got older I missed 'helping' others. I was also dealing with my own medical problems(DDD and fibro) and frustrated with the medical approach. So after trying alternative therapies, including massage, I decided this is how I want to help others.
I was a special education teacher for seven years. Special education in public school is 'special'. The teachers spend most of their time doing paperwork and having meetings about what they are going to do with the students. Then when they get time to work with students they can have up to 50 on a caseload. Actually my largest caseload was 52. So, in my seven years I searched everywhere to find something that would actually make a difference in the lives of these students. Having done yoga for a long time, I started doing that with them and actually saw improvements in attention, behavior and school work. I started researching more and learned about developmental movement and started integrating that into my lesson and again saw improvements. I naturally evolved on my search to massage. I went to massage school, got certified as a pediatric massage therapist and now work with children and families combining movement, massage and educational theory to develop plans that actually make a difference. So that is my story.
I was a carpenter :-)
I was studying at Temple to become a Landscape Architect. I got a few "signs" that led me to my career of touch therapy. I don't ever look back. I love this profession.
I was a dance educator and professional dancer. One has to adapt as we get older and massage fit like a glove. In addition to massage I am developing an online website for health and fitness.

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