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What are the top 5 things you like worked when receiving a massage?

A professional massage that is...

Neck (Scalenes and LSs)
Upper Traps (Always a tension sponge area)
Forearms (Obvious, I'm a busy massage therapist)
Glutes (Please Please Please don't leave out the glutes)
Feet (Because they are the foundation and it feels soooooo good)

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arms hands and teres minor... arms hands and teres minor... arms hands and teres minor...
besides that a good general massage that is thourough.
Neck, hands, feet, hips/glutes, anything in mid to upper Thoracic area.
and everything else too!
Back and Neck as they need it the most. Feet, Hands, and Head.
I say ditto to rudy's response. Here's what I ask for: entire posterior thoracic; posterior legs; and every/any thing that will help balance my pelvis.
Arms (to include Fingers to Delts)
Upper Trapz
Neck (specifically scalenes / SCM)

I'm actually find the idea of only 5 things difficult, so much had to get dropped. But good question!
all around and UNDER scaps!!!
good hand/forarm work
Low back
- My upper chest/pecs. I hold so much tension in my chest! It's very unusual for someone to work this area, and I've never understood why. Is it a fear of inappropriate touch, being close to breasts?

- Forearms and hands (big surprise!).

- Glutes. When the glutes get worked, it feels like an unlocking of the whole leg, so that when the legs are being massaged, the work is doing so much more. I like to work glutes before I work the legs for that reason.
I also, like to work the Glutes before the legs for the same benefits. Many though work the Legs than the Glutes. I guess it is all in how we were taught. I very seldom any more find anyone willing to massage my pects, face, abdomen and head. I don't know if they do not feel comfortable or just don't want to do it. When someone asks me for a full body massage I do it all.
I feel students now days are trained towards a 50 minute "spa massage". Some parts of the body are edited from a standard routine for expediency. This is unfortunate. I experienced in my own education parts of the body that were "touched" on (no pun intended) but were not explored in detail for various techniques that can be used like the rest of the body. These areas included the pecs, glutes and abdominals.

We were taught in my class to shy away from potentially "sensitive" areas of the body. I am not sure if that was intentional by the school curriculum or transference of the feelings of the individual teacher. My personal philosophy in my work now, if it is a muscle in need of work, I'm going to work it. I have found no matter what proximity you are working, if you approach it professionally and respectfully with the intent of relieving tension and pain, the client/patient will appreciate the work. I certainly do.


Darcy Neibaur said:
I also, like to work the Glutes before the legs for the same benefits. Many though work the Legs than the Glutes. I guess it is all in how we were taught. I very seldom any more find anyone willing to massage my pects, face, abdomen and head. I don't know if they do not feel comfortable or just don't want to do it. When someone asks me for a full body massage I do it all.
Good idea, Darcy! I'm going to try that (working the glutes before the leg), it makes so much sense. I love getting my legs & feet massaged. When I work, I always include the face (with permission), the abs, and the glutes, and definitely pectorals...not always the head, tho ~ most of my ladies would rather I omit that for mussy-hair reasons, but the guys usually like it.

I remember how confused I was when I first started massage school because I couldn't figure out why everybody had greasy hair! In my practice (chiropractic) the scalenes are far more important anyhow. I guess I'm in the boat with Gerry, if something needs work, it gets work, no matter where it happens to be located.


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