massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
I know, I'm nosey. I was a travel writer.
For six years, I got to travel to Bed & Breakfasts and get massages, all for free, and write about it. So my roots are in traveling, meeting people and hearing their stories. Now I travel around and do The World Massage Festival & Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.
I found the adjustment to a single location massage establishment, inside a strip mall, very confining. So I started a way to stay "in the massage world and travel!" But that is another story!
What's your story? What did you do before massage? Tell us of your travels and what massage is like where you are, especially if you massage outside the U.S. We really like pictures, if possible.
If you get bored come see me at my page
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Views: 4850
I'm a former fashion consultant/personal shopper.
I did and still do care for the elderly and disabled. Mostly Alzhiemers and mentally slow people. It's at home CNA work. It takes alot of care to do that kind of work, but I love that. I love to help people.
I have a BS in Computer Science with a Mathematics minor. For almost 25 years, I did IT Support, which means I fixed computer-related problems. For the last 11 years, I worked for a contractor to the Department of Defense. I got tired of all of the stress and getting yelled at by my power-hungry, insecure boss. I received my license in Massage Therapy in August of 2007.
Lymphatic drainage. The class will be either January or February. A year of practice then I can sit for the lana exam. After that? Who knows.
Mike Hinkle said:Way to go Kristy! You set yours goals and reached them! Glad to have you with us. What's next? Kristy Gable said:I was working as a security screener (TSA). I'd done it for three years. I hated it. It's an unforgiving,stressful job. My doc pretty much told me if I didn't get my stress level under control I'd have a heart attack by 30. I have a bs in criminal justice but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. An ad for bsom came on and mentioned they'd move locally. I'm a big believer in the universe telling you stuff. So I visited campus. I juggled school and work for 12.5 months. I got my license and resigned from tsa shortly after reaching 5 years. I fell in love with massage and haven't looked back. It was the best move I ever made.
I was a pastor's wife. Haha! I still am and I love it. I like to call myself a Follower of Christ. I am embarrassed at times of what "Christians" have done to dismantle my Lord's reputation. Sigh...nonetheless, I have always considered myself to be outside the box of traditional or cultural mindsets. I lovvveed massage for years and had so many messages about how "taboo" that profession was to us Christian types. I finally decided they were wrong and here I am. I love using my hands as an extension of His. maybe I also finally decided when I went to Hawaii and saw that LMT on the beach with her white tent drapes flapping so enticingly! I saw her prices and got real excited! Hahahaa!!!
My mom taught me from a very tender age as a child. She struggled with fibromyalgia long before it was a legitimized dysfunction. She was a graphic artist and taught me the muscles, movement, and such for art and then it naturally translated into giving her massages to relieve her symptoms. I loved it.
High school was the beginning of finding my love for all things A & P! I love all kinds of science-ologies! Hahaa! Lifetime learner! Student of the Universe! My skills have always been listening to what wasn't being said. I must have skill when listening to the rythyms the body speaks!
I was an accountant in my former life. After 15 years of making $.50 on the dollar for every male I worked for and being laid off every other year I finallyt received a smack up the head and changed careers. My domestic partner was involved in a near fatal accident and working with him on his rehabilitation helped me decide to go into massage therapy. I might not get financially rich but I am rich in so many better ways.
Man,I can't get over this,keeping up with all the replies must be like having a part time job!,and really,who doesn't like to talk about their self?,O.K,I'll bite.
My husband owned and operated a super deli-mini grocery store for twenty three years.We raised our kids in our store,our youngest use to take her afternoon nap on her fathers or my back in her back pack.Our town watched our kids grow up.We really love our people,but the tension was just crazy!We have been out of the business for two years now and I am doing my massage full time now and I love my life so much now.
Thanks for asking.Emma
I suffered before massage.
No kidding, I always gave massage from a young age but I really did suffer from stress before getting massage. I was a mechanic (race cars and then bicycles) and then went on to be a software engineer at Lotus. I started receiving massage for sciatica and back injuries and was a runner as well. But it was Polarity that converted me to a practitioner. The power of my first session and the continual transformation that occured with each session was incredible to me. It was so fascinating that I became a practitioner and teacher. Now I run Spa Tech Institute so I'm back to the computers, driving and meetings. However, it's something I believe in with my whole heart and I still work on my wife all the time so I'm still connected with the work. When I get old and retire I will probably go back to doing sessions part-time. It's a gift.
I have been and still am a police officer. Currently in school with the plan of being on my feet as an LMT when I can retire in 3.5 years. Came into law enforcement for all the right reasons, hoping to leave for all the right reasons too! Love my time at school and in clinic, giving massage is the most relaxing thing I've ever done, and I get to feel like I really am making a difference for someone! Can't wait to get out on my own, hope to do injury rehab and working with Veterans.
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