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Views: 342
I can't believe that this topic is being questioned as not being an essential part of studying massage.
EVERY DAY AND WITH EVERY CLIENT as an MT I am presented with situations that require knowledge of it and I'm sure every MT has the same situation.
Also, if the direction of the profession is to make us more accepted by the medical field, then how can anyone not see this as important?
I'm sure many MTs have the same situation as me where physical therapists refer people to them. I doubt if any of them would refer anyone to me if I didn't know what they were talking about or if I didn't have the capability of asking more questions. As for Joe Public, I doubt if he'd come to me if I didn't know any A&P. It's like an accountant not knowing how to add, for Pete's sake!
Enough ranting.....I'm off to work and as part of that work I'll write SOAP notes - and I'll be writing about muscles in those notes - yep, muscles, and they have names!
this is a very important subject, so excuse me for adding in again. I was at an advanced class on using muscle energy techniques to adjust a single rotated vertebra or a group of side bent or "C " curved vertebra and the instructor was talking about certain muscles that he balances in his protocal when a student said "please slow down I do not know all of these muscle you are talking about."
She said the shcool she went to taught very little on muscles. I had another student who had gone through 600 hours in another state and was in school to get accepted into Texas requirements. She elected to attend the entire shcool session. (at that time it was 300 hrs) when she took her bones test she didnt do well.
I talked with her and she said "we didnt study bones very much, we did more hands on work than anything." I wonder sometimes how students pass the state board tests based on some of the things i have heard about other schools. I also think it is up to the student to take responsibility to study on their own in cases such as the above mentioned.
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