massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

I know, I'm nosey. I was a travel writer.


For six years, I got to travel to Bed & Breakfasts and get massages, all for free, and write about it. So my roots are in traveling, meeting people and hearing their stories. Now I travel around and do The World Massage Festival & Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.

I found the adjustment to a single location massage establishment, inside a strip mall, very confining. So I started a way to stay "in the massage world and travel!" But that is another story!

What's your story? What did you do before massage? Tell us of your travels and what massage is like where you are, especially if you massage outside the U.S. We really like pictures, if possible.


If you get bored come see me at my page

Thanks and welcome to Massage Professionals!

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I am the sales manager for a small diesel engine repair company. I have worked with this company for 5 years and had a few similar jobs prior. I have only been licensed for a few weeks now and am working part time at a great massage clinic. Hopefully, if all goes accordingly, I'll be able to make the change to full time massage therapist.
Glad you made the change!

Jaya Jeff Sims said:
before i came into soft tissue, i was in software... get it?
Well Spencer, we are here to help, so holler if you need us!

Spencer Manning said:
I am the sales manager for a small diesel engine repair company. I have worked with this company for 5 years and had a few similar jobs prior. I have only been licensed for a few weeks now and am working part time at a great massage clinic. Hopefully, if all goes accordingly, I'll be able to make the change to full time massage therapist.
I was a letter carrier for 22 years. I was diagnosed with lupus and scleroderma (it's bad cousin) in 1983. By 2000, my body had had enough of the grueling work in the elements....I live where there is a lot of snow in the winter...and I suffered a heart attack. My docs and I decided that I was done with the post office. I was always the person in the post office that people came up to and asked for shoulder and neck massages. So, in deciding on a new career, and at age 44 went to massage school. Might as well get paid for something I enjoyed doing, right? Have not regretted it. Even though I still have had health "issues" (chemo 3 times for example) and have been hit by a car while cycling (twice) which left me with a rebuilt left arm, life is better because I have the good fortune to,play might be a better a profession where I get no complaints, except for when a session has to end. I am healthier as a result of not having to answer to a time clock or an alarm clock. I miss less time now due to illness because my stress level is way low. And my wife is happy cause she gets a foot massage almost every nite.
What a deal! Hope life continues to improve for you, Choice! If you need help with anything, just holler!~

Choice Kinchen said:
I was a letter carrier for 22 years. I was diagnosed with lupus and scleroderma (it's bad cousin) in 1983. By 2000, my body had had enough of the grueling work in the elements....I live where there is a lot of snow in the winter...and I suffered a heart attack. My docs and I decided that I was done with the post office. I was always the person in the post office that people came up to and asked for shoulder and neck massages. So, in deciding on a new career, and at age 44 went to massage school. Might as well get paid for something I enjoyed doing, right? Have not regretted it. Even though I still have had health "issues" (chemo 3 times for example) and have been hit by a car while cycling (twice) which left me with a rebuilt left arm, life is better because I have the good fortune to,play might be a better a profession where I get no complaints, except for when a session has to end. I am healthier as a result of not having to answer to a time clock or an alarm clock. I miss less time now due to illness because my stress level is way low. And my wife is happy cause she gets a foot massage almost every nite.
Oh, I'm envious of the Bed and Breakfast. I really enjoy them. I worked for Microsoft for 8 years (group assistant, executive assistant, project coordinator, project manager) then for a couple of years. Started my practice part-time while working corporate. Then I was run over by car as a pedestrian and survived when I should have been dead. With all the recovery and pain I used the knowledge learned from my herbal science degree, massage to recup. Now I'm working the practice. I still want to do the traveling B&B.
We did around 250 B&B's. It really was fun. You can see some of the reviews at Welcome to the group and I'm glad you are with us!

TBone McGowian said:
Oh, I'm envious of the Bed and Breakfast. I really enjoy them. I worked for Microsoft for 8 years (group assistant, executive assistant, project coordinator, project manager) then for a couple of years. Started my practice part-time while working corporate. Then I was run over by car as a pedestrian and survived when I should have been dead. With all the recovery and pain I used the knowledge learned from my herbal science degree, massage to recup. Now I'm working the practice. I still want to do the traveling B&B.
Before going to school at NY Institute of Massage, I moved from Pennsylvania. I was a stockclerk/key carrier-Nights, had all the respondsibilities of an assistant manager (without the benefits) in the grocery business. I was working for a inventory auditing company and as a janitor at a high school after moving. After starting school kept the janitor job, then worked in retail, entertainment, and fast food jobs while going to school. After graduating I have been working for temporary staffing agencies and currently looking to work with another LMT, Chiropractor, or Spa.
Well Charles, you were lucky to go to such a great school! Hope you can go full time massage soon! Welcome!

Charles D. Stone, LMT said:
Before going to school at NY Institute of Massage, I moved from Pennsylvania. I was a stockclerk/key carrier-Nights, had all the respondsibilities of an assistant manager (without the benefits) in the grocery business. I was working for a inventory auditing company and as a janitor at a high school after moving. After starting school kept the janitor job, then worked in retail, entertainment, and fast food jobs while going to school. After graduating I have been working for temporary staffing agencies and currently looking to work with another LMT, Chiropractor, or Spa.
Hall of Famer's Raul Sr. & Estrellita Izquierdo will attend the 2010 World Massage Festival!

Mike Hinkle said:
Hi Liz,

Raul Sr. and Estelitta Izqierdo were dancers with Bob Hope. They, too, choose to enter massage therapy. They were inducted into the 2008 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame! Follow your dreams!

Liz Jeans said:
I was a dance educator and professional dancer. One has to adapt as we get older and massage fit like a glove. In addition to massage I am developing an online website for health and fitness.
So far 17 Massage Therapy Hall of Famers are returning for "The Reunion!"

Mike Hinkle said:
Hall of Famer's Raul Sr. & Estrellita Izquierdo will attend the 2010 World Massage Festival!

Mike Hinkle said:
Hi Liz,

Raul Sr. and Estelitta Izqierdo were dancers with Bob Hope. They, too, choose to enter massage therapy. They were inducted into the 2008 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame! Follow your dreams!

Liz Jeans said:
I was a dance educator and professional dancer. One has to adapt as we get older and massage fit like a glove. In addition to massage I am developing an online website for health and fitness.
I did physical therapy. I started in the USAF (4 years) and then did 2 years in a civilian clinic. The USAF actually paid 75% of my tuition for massage school since it complemented my profession, and my part time civilian employer paid for my books and the other 25% of my tuition (he was my former lieutenant). He wanted a licensed alternative practitioner in the office if he had to leave the office and at least I could administer hot packs and manual therapy to patients until he could return. Then the laws changed and the job of physical therapy tech vanished. Shame...they have Lvns and nurses aides...anyway. I would have had to go back to school for 3+ years (2 full time) to become a PTA in the state of TX. A good investment as they make very good money, but I was in the throes of bearing children and felt the strong call to be home for them and amp up my herbal medicine studies. Massage therapy has been the greatest part time job ever! The 7 years in the physical therapy field and the education that came from my time in the military has been exponentially valuable in the care of my clients.

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