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I have just came from another topic discussion and mentioned the modalities I would like to specialize in. My choices are Neuromuscular Therapy, CranioSacral, Reiki, and Table Thai Massage.
Are there any therapists here who are specialized in these areas who would like to share their thoughts on them? I am curious to what is that you like and don't like about these modalities. What your clients say about the techniques, and so forth?
Thanks in advance.
Views: 638
Thank you, Therese.
On a better note, my energy has came back after about a year of feeling like it had went away. Did an evaluation at work with the lead therapist and she gave me some pointers on Wednesday. Since then my energy levels risen. I'm very excited about that. I've been practicing a little before and after work as I ride metro.
You're welcome!
Are you talking about your ability to do energy work or your own energy in your body? Either way, that's good news! I've been working with a Naturopath for a couple of years - I've had a whole collection of health issues that are getting better. It really impacted my life, and it's amazing how much more I can do these days! No matter how you look at it, energy matters!
I meant both energy work and energy in my body. Mainly energy work. I'm excited that I have it back. I'm concentrating more in so I can heighten it during each massage, if that makes sense.
I've just read an article last night about CST and children with autism. I find it very interesting how massage can help people with learning difficulties as such. The therapist who was mentioned in the article helped a child who was diagnosed with mental retardation and should have been institutionalized according to doctors. He went to graduate high school with a regular diploma. Very interesting. It makes me love what I do more after reading it.
Yes that does make sense. I tune into different types of energy depending on what is needed - earth and universal. They do different things for me and my clients. It can be difficult though - my ability to use the energy can change even within a session! We are all works in progress. :-)
CST is great for autism (and CP) because it can relieve the incredible tension on the membranes inside the cranium that contribute to many of the little guys' symptoms. And taking pressure off the vagus nerve can help anyone with ADD, ADHD (we have so many labels these days!), digestive issues, etc.
I'm reading up on cerebral palsy now, does CST help with all types of CP, or certain kinds?
I actually don't know the answer to that! But I can find out, if you like. A good friend of mine is an OT in Athens, Greece and does OT work and CST on kids with autism and CP. He will know more than I do!
Cool, thanks. This is the link where I read with the different types of CP that made me ask that question:
Thanks! I'll email my friend later tonight or tomorrow - still have 2 more clients today! :-) And I'll read the article too - thanks for the link!
Thank you, and no problem!
Hey Epiphany - I forgot to email my friend. I've been preoccupied by several things this week. I'll do that in a few minutes.
I just signed up to be a Teaching Assistant (TA) for CST 2 in Asheville, NC with the same instructor you will have in DC. I'll be able to give you some thoughts about her when I get home! :-)
Cool! Thank you, Therese. I'm a patient person and understand that you're a busy woman. I take it you work for yourself?
I do work for myself! And I love it, but I have to be everything all the time! :-) I'm a control freak, and I like being able to schedule clients around trips to the barn to spend time with my horse!
I got a very speedy reply from my friend in Greece; what he said was this (I'm paraphrasing part of this): CP is complicated because it's a broad diagnosis that includes many conditions. Dr. Upledger had more success with clients with spacticity rather than athetosis. CP can result from sutural overrides, and also other issues in the brain. Being able to dialog with the tissues which you will learn with CST after CST 2 can produce miracles (or what seems like miracles!). To quote my friend: "anything that improves the health, such as better feeding, better standing position, better behaviour in bathing or in dressing, anything that can improve the everyday living of the person and their careers, is a miracle that we can offer through CST."
I hope that helps!
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