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Would love to hear opinions/discuss adding a layer of egg crate foam to my massage table for added comfort. I have a fleece cover and an old heating table warmer but would love even more comfort...
Is memory foam safe, nice, comfy, do OK with heat (i'll layer something between it and the heating pad) etc. etc.
Memory foam seems easier to find these days and I've heard that the old school kind of egg crate foam pads deteriorate, etc.
Thoughts? Experience?
Views: 1890
Hi Mary! I've had a good quality 1 1/2 inch thick memory foam pad on my table for more than 2 years now. My clients love it, and it's great for me when I do CranioSacral Therapy! I have a fleece cover over it. In the winter I put the table warmer directly on it with no trouble and then put the fleece pad over it; I never have the pad at more than 104 degrees F.
It's definitely worth doing. The good quality pad I got is no longer available at Wal Mart (go figure - although it's been more than a year since I looked. How did that happen?!?!) so you may need to shop around for one you are happy with. I got a Twin size, and cut one edge off so it fit the table better.
To give you more reference, I work on 13-18 people a week, 60-90 min per session. It's really had a good workout!
Excellent! I'm just starting off, working on 1-2 people a week, but am readying myself for much more business and table comfort feels like a real added benefit. Thanks for the feedback. I found a twin size memory foam "egg crate" pad at Kohl's that I'm test driving. The table does feel as long as it's healthy (off gas, e.g., a myth?) and can sit next to heat I'm happy with it...
Thank you for your thoughtful response.
I love that you are starting slowly! That is really good.
Table comfort really does make a difference. If you can afford it, seriously consider the Boiance Face Cradle (you can get the Float attachment later - it's worth the money).
I let my foam pad air out for a couple of days. I have not had any complaints about off gasses, even when it was new. I don't know if it's a myth - they are stinky when first opened! But after it quit smelling - no problems.
Just FYI, read The Pressures of Being a Massage Therapist thread. There are some good comments in there about getting started.
I highly recommend you use a piece of memory foam on your massage table. Even the most expensive tables are not cushy enough! I would also suggest a twin size mattress pad to go on top of the memory foam. Then you can put your table warmer on top of that. I have been using this setup for years and I get compliments all the time about how comfortable my table is.
I would suggest letting your memory foam off gas for a few days before putting it in your office. They definitely have a smell to them, so don't just unwrap it from the plastic and throw it on your table right away if you're expecting a client anytime soon.
Awesome -- I iill check out that thread next.I think my table's feeling amazing -- thick, cotton flannel sheets (winter) and layered on top of the table is the memory foam, thin blanket, heater, fleece pad, and the sheets. nice soft blanket on top for clients who want it. And I'm noting that the foam seems to retain table heat a bit better than sans foam. My two client so far have commented on the comfort of the table. I am expecting more sleepers, which I'll take as a compliment(!)
I don't really intend to start off slowly, that's just the way it's happening...but slow (and working up the stamina and flow) to treat 3 or so clients a day (while kids are at school, out of our spare room) is just unfolding as it can. I am every open to suggestions about beginning an intentional, beautiful practice!
Thanks, all. Cold here in CO...hope you're enjoying yourselves today.
Cold here in OK too! But not as cold as CO! I had 2 clients cancel so I think I'll bundle up and go say hi to my horse.
It is definitely time for flannel sheets! Sounds like you have a fabulous set up. I work out of my house too, and I love it!
Hopefully that thread will have good info in it for you. If you have any questions later, don't hesitate to ask! :-)
Thank you, Therese...nice to know there's a welcoming, informed and supportive community we're making for one another here! And your horse! You lucky woman!!!
I wish there were more participation on this site! But those of us who are regulars try hard to be what you describe!
I am very lucky to have a horse! I've had him for over 15 years! He's in my contact photo...
Go with memory foam. It's the most comfortable. There is also the memory foam spring option, but it's more expensive. The cover with memory foam springs basically emulates the body's natural shape. And it's portable.
I am not a fan of adding more foam, memory or otherwise, to a table that already has foam padding.
The reason being, it makes the table surface too soft and you end up chasing your clients down into the foam padding where there is even less "push back" from the table. We depend on that push back or resistance if you will, for table and body mechanics.
Unless you plan on doing just cranio or acu or energy work and not oil based work where you're inclined to push down as you glide, I would not recommend it. But....that's me. :-)
I'm a sucker for cozy...I love all these responses, and appreciate the helpful feedback!
I hear ya. :-)
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