massage and bodywork professionals

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Do you use audio/music before, during or after the massage/bodywork session?

I personally use a selection of Jazz, nature and ambient music. I find that this helps me with the flow of the massage from one body part to another. I make sure to disclose this if it is a first time client, to get his consent. The client might also have his/her own suggestions, so I make sure to ask if necessary.

I have also used specific massage music cds, such as Music for Healing and Music for Massage by Steven Halpern.

update: I am including the responses I have on a page of my website, with a link to your profile here on If you do not wish to have a link placed there, please let me know. Here is the link where I am gathering the responses:

Thanks and have a great week!

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I use my ipod. I got an ihome player off ebay and now I can have all my music and a special playlist for massage. Not to mention allowing my clients to bring their favorite selection.
I use my Zune, and the music i use is Healing Music, Reiki Music, Celtic Music, Hawaiian Music, Enya's Music, but all depends of the energy needed from the client. I try to not repeat the same music with a client :o)
Thanks guys for the feedback! Happy Holidays!

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