massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
I know, I'm nosey. I was a travel writer.
For six years, I got to travel to Bed & Breakfasts and get massages, all for free, and write about it. So my roots are in traveling, meeting people and hearing their stories. Now I travel around and do The World Massage Festival & Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.
I found the adjustment to a single location massage establishment, inside a strip mall, very confining. So I started a way to stay "in the massage world and travel!" But that is another story!
What's your story? What did you do before massage? Tell us of your travels and what massage is like where you are, especially if you massage outside the U.S. We really like pictures, if possible.
If you get bored come see me at my page
Thanks and welcome to Massage Professionals!
Views: 4850
lol are you sure you weren't a comedian? :)
Jaya Jeff Sims said:before i came into soft tissue, i was in software... get it?
Hi Crystal,
Would love to see some of your work. I fiddle with some of these aspects also!
Crystal Dawn Suovanen said:I was and still am on the side a multimedia designer. That includes websites, logos, ads and more.
This I did for a holistic center here. They needed a logo for their site and printable media.
Mike Hinkle said:Hi Crystal,
Would love to see some of your work. I fiddle with some of these aspects also!
Crystal Dawn Suovanen said:I was and still am on the side a multimedia designer. That includes websites, logos, ads and more.
Good question.... what'd we do before we discovered what we're meant to do! -- & probly typical in many fields.
I studied & licensed Cos., then joined the Air Force (5 yr. vet), then momma, then worked clerical in places like hospital radiology & law office, then CphT, some childcare in between (& supplementing w/childcare now). Went to a 2 yr. biz school because my friend (former, is it any surprise!?!) wanted to go & thought I should :\ . Then I started thinking for myself. ;)
Went to massage therapy night school while finishing up the daytime biz college. Born to take care of ppl... praying my business takes off!
I was in the restaurant industry,marketing and sales, and a biology pre physical therapy major
Hi Mike,
Great site and so many incredible stories. Before MT, I was pre-med, worked in a physics lab, and realized I did NOT want to be a doc or PT. Before returning to school I'd taken three years off to play with my child and was an active community volunteer. Before being a mommy I was a mortgage banker and workaholic who realized life was slipping by. Also spent 7 years in the Army National Guard as a decon specialist. Grew up on a small commerical dairy farm in Michigan where my family still farms. Loving life now in the wild west.
Until I was 24 I was a full time athlete competing in judo at a high level. Unfortunately, like so many in full contact sport, I had to give it up due to, well, pain accumulated over time. I then qualified as a PT and developed a decent client base. After a while I was asked to get involved in what is called the 'GP Referral' scheme whereby family doctors pay for 1:1 coaching for the morbidly obese. It was whilst working with these clients that I realised that most of them were too ill physically, emotionally and spiritually to make the changes they needed to improve their health - personal training did not seem to be the answer for most of them. I had had lots of therapy when I was competing and I gravitated to Massage School and the rest is history! Some find it strange that a former fighter is now a healer but it makes perfect sense to me.
I was president of a company installing industrial and commercial security sytems in Philadelphia. Wanted a "peaceful business". Of course, now I still do lots of business stuff and customers and employees are customers and employees no matter what the business.
Now, however, I get to give massages and still do about 10 hours a week despite all of the business stuff. That is my favorite part - a whole hour that I can't be disturbed - just me and my client. It is so relaxing and I love the opportunity to personally help people.
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