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Don't forget that you need to be able to properly understand and evaluate the results that are found in research. Take for instance flipping a coin. Now guess what the result is before you look. Go ahead and perform the trick 10 or 20 times, record your answer.
Don't continue reading until you perform the test. This is an experiment to show how often people don't understand the results that they observe. I will wait
How many times did you guess correctly or incorrectly? Guessing the right answer more times then the wrong obviously means you have a gift. Did you guess the wrong answer more times then the correct answer? Now, that means you have less of a gift, right?
Now take a moment before you continue reading. There is a reason. Feel good about yourself that you have more correct guesses the wrong guesses. Allow yourself to feel bad about yourself if you had more wrong answers then correct answers. There is a reason for this. I will wait.
Wrong! It still means you have some kind of gift. There is a 50% chance that a coin will land on either side. This means a person with no ability to guess a right or correct answer will score around 50% right and 50% wrong. If you guessed more wrong the right, you still have the ability. Your only not understanding what you sense correctly for what ever reason. It does not mean you don't have any ability.
Now, if you did my little test you participated in an energy related research project. the point was to show how easy it is to not understand the results you witnessed. We all did the same experiment, we all saw the same results. Odds are most of us saw different things in the results. Everything energy related is like that.
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