massage and bodywork professionals

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So, has anyone else sat down and created their "things to do" list for their 2010 business plan? Just the other day I was sitting there thinking about how much I was "flying by the seat of my pants" and "rolling with the punches" this past year. Granted, this last year was a hardship for just about everyone on the planet. However, I decided that I would sit down and make a list of things to purchase or accomplish in 2010. Things that I have to have to run my business this year and things that I want to add to my business this year.
This is what I have so far:
NEEDS: Ethics course, renew insurance mid-year, renew license at the end of the year, and add more clients so I can get a bigger location.
WANTS: steam tent w/ more body treatments available, take "bodywork" ceus to help balance out 2009 "spa" ceus, add more clients so I can get a bigger location.

What have you decided to do for you and your business in 2010?

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I forgot one! I just started re-reading Andrew Biel's, Trail Guide to the Body. Great read for MTs to brush up on their anatomy!
Neat steam tents at this site Marissa! I found the unit at It is portable unit you could easily put up and transport between clients. The portability alone makes it a viable option.
Be a Massage Profesor at School in PR
Take Reiki I, Kinesiology I
Buy a Express Chair for Massage
and Be Happy! :o)
Get Marry too!
I've been doing a bit of thinking on this and this is what I have thus far:

1. Obtain ABMP membership
2. Pass MBLEx
3. Obtain a spa or chiro office job to pay the bills while I grow my private clientèle

And I really, really want to attend the World Massage Festival but we'll have to see what finances look like and how many classes hubby opts to take this summer himself first.

It doesn't look like much but it's alot considering I"m starting from almost zero after a 2 year hiatus between school and looking for paid work.
Thanks Mike!

Mike Hinkle said:
Neat steam tents at this site Marissa! I found the unit at It is portable unit you could easily put up and transport between clients. The portability alone makes it a viable option.
Rick- I've had my eye on that 56 hour ceu monster as well! It's good to have goals! ;)

Rick Britton said:
Orthopaedic Assessment CEU course
Attract and retain clients for Swedish Massage
Convert more clients to Body Realignment work
Get at least one contract with a large employer in the area (Headache/Migraine Reduction Programme or similar)

have more fun, work fewer hours yet earn more and go on a real holiday (actually shut the practice for more than a couple of days)
J-Looks like you'll be very busy this year!

J. Arnaldo Pabon said:
Be a Massage Profesor at School in PR
Take Reiki I, Kinesiology I
Buy a Express Chair for Massage
and Be Happy! :o)
Get Marry too!
Judith- We all have to start somewhere! Getting an ABMP membership will help you greatly! They have so much to offer their members. Especially when it comes to marketing. Great choice!

Judith Smith said:
I've been doing a bit of thinking on this and this is what I have thus far:

1. Obtain ABMP membership
2. Pass MBLEx
3. Obtain a spa or chiro office job to pay the bills while I grow my private clientèle

And I really, really want to attend the World Massage Festival but we'll have to see what finances look like and how many classes hubby opts to take this summer himself first.

It doesn't look like much but it's alot considering I"m starting from almost zero after a 2 year hiatus between school and looking for paid work.
Marissa - when you say you're thinking of a bigger location, are you going to have people work for you?

I love lists. Lists are good. I'm a "listy" type too!

The squirrel might have an odd list:
- Do a case report on something cool and submit it in the MTF competition
- Do some stuff online that's too long to go into (it's a very long sublist)!
- Revisit my old business plan that I had completed in 2008 to open a place for multiple therapists. I nearly signed a lease on a place back in the summer of 2008. Remember when all the stuff went nuts with the gas prices? Well, talk about intuition. I had a "gut feel" that it just wasn't the right time. Good job I didn't do it! I have to look at it again, see what the market is like, see what places are going for nowadays and do some analysis. It might be too early yet to do it this year, but we'll see.
- Keep up with my "learn journal". It's a book that I write in and it has just general "stuff" about massage therapy in it.
- I haven't decided which courses I'm taking yet. I need to sit and have a brainstorming session with my multiple personalities to figure that one out.
- Keep on going at what I'm doing so that I have 30 massage hours a week scheduled consistently and get to be more efficient in my business operations so that I'm not at work all the time - this has a whole long sublist too.
Sure does! I want to open a one stop shop for all types of body treatments. A place where you can go get work done with a therapist who specializes in TCM, or relaxation, of MFR, or NMT, or Reiki.... A place where the therapists excel in their chosen path and wants to live and breathe that modality.

Keep up with those sub-lists! Just don't let them overwhelm you.

Vlad said:
Marissa - when you say you're thinking of a bigger location, are you going to have people work for you?

Well, if you're going for the 56, what's another 8?!?!?

Rick Britton said:
It's 64 hours in the UK Marissa (gulp!)

Marissa Macias said:
Rick- I've had my eye on that 56 hour ceu monster as well! It's good to have goals! ;)

Rick Britton said:
Orthopaedic Assessment CEU course
Attract and retain clients for Swedish Massage
Convert more clients to Body Realignment work
Get at least one contract with a large employer in the area (Headache/Migraine Reduction Programme or similar)

have more fun, work fewer hours yet earn more and go on a real holiday (actually shut the practice for more than a couple of days)
Oh believe me, I've been stalking Barnes since I graduated. When I have the time and $, he's not around. And of course, when he's around, I don't have the time or $. I like his philosophy and I've learned a lot from several people that have taken his whole line of courses. Some day, my friend.

Rick Britton said:

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