massage and bodywork professionals

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Massage for Haiti - Hands Across America/the world - List Here

First, I want to Acknowledge Cat Edwards for starting this idea! Thank you!

I have organized a "Massage for Haiti" Fund Raiser - Feb 7th, 12-4 at Privai Academy, Asheville NC

Do you have a "Massage for Haiti Event" happening. List it here with your contact information so people can join us.

Travis Alligood and others have mentioned creating an event that spreads across America or the World. Interested? Let's raise a $1,000,000.00 or more!!

How can you help?
Join us!

Come to the event
Spread the word
Start your own event
Donate a gift certificate for our raffle
Send a donation

$1.00/minute for massage, mini facial or reiki
$1.00 raffles will win a service/product/gift certificate

Massage For Haiti at Privai Academy, Asheville, NC will be
raffling off an On Site Massage Chair, A registration to the World Massage Festival, a Home Study Thai Yoga DVD Course, autographed books from some of our favorite massage industry authors, jewelry, herbal products, skin care products and so much more!

Laura Allen and Ruth Werner are donating their book.
Erik Dalton is also making a donation!
And they keep coming - what an awesome pouring out of generosity! LOVE YOU ALL!

 Proceeds will go to a charity for  medical supplies for the people of Haiti!
We have also decided to contribute 25% to a local NC family in need.

I have contacted newspapers, radio stations and Massage Magazine. I am posting flyers in the community and reaching out to everyone I know. Posted on FaceBook too. Any other ideas?

We are so fortunate in so many ways!  How will you help?

Gratitude to all

Views: 911

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I'm in! I will give a FREE registration for 24 Credits at this year's Festival in Berea! Ya'll can raffle or however you want to use it. Good luck and hope it helps!
This is amazing! In less than 24 hrs.
Newspaper printed the event!

I have volunteers lining up

People signing up for sessions

AND DONATIONS coming in for the raffle!

Thank you WMF, Rose Pilates, Red Moon Herbs, Leigh Warwick, LMT, Apple a Day restaurant.
This is fabulous!

WOW my heart is bubbling over with the generosity and support.!

All donations can go to Privai Academy, 6 Roberts Road, Asheville, NC 28803
Att: Gloria

Accepting monetary donations, gift certificates or product.
I have people interested in donating jewelry they make, art work etc. Everything is appreciated!

For those of you out of the area, you can still buy a raffle ticket. Will go on sale soon!
Maybe you will win the World Massage Festival Registration gift certificate ($300 value)
Much obliged thank you
the generosity that is pouring out today from so many people
is overwhelming, has my head spinning and my heart overflowing

I will email you with details and if you could do this thank you so much
I am responding to soooo many emails.

Jodi Hardee said:
Hi Gloria, I wanted to mention that you can post this in the member section of After you log-in to the site (at the top right-hand side of the page), click on the Marketing Center tab and then the Outreach/Volunteer Opportunities link. Or you can email to and I can post for you. ABMP is happy to help you spread the word about your efforts.
YOU ROCK MIKE! Thank you!

Mike Hinkle said:
I'm in! I will give a FREE registration for 24 Credits at this year's Festival in Berea! Ya'll can raffle or however you want to use it. Good luck and hope it helps!
Do you have an event coming up "Massage For Haiti"???
Post it here!
Thanks Samantha

I also donated to the Red Cross and yes, I agree we should always keep in mind a charity that might be in need.


Samantha J. Bennett said:
They keep having -after shocks- they're calling them Gloria- not more earthquakes, as appearently they're still the cause of the first (even though they say they feel like an actual earthquake again). And from what i've heard thru all the news media- they're not really getting better- several have been in the 5.0's and today was the strongest they say at 6.1.
I've donated personally to the cause- to red cross and another local charity that's been back and forth and going back soon again. It's amazing the pain and heartache we feel and share with the Haitian people, that allows us to come together to help others! Let's keep this one in our hearts for a long while- and continue to help in the present as well as the future.

There's several things and causes to always focus some attention on and people or animals that need help. Even if we all could afford picking a great cause and giving every month or two or three..etc... a week or two weeks or more worth of tips (or half of the tips we get)....anything really - my in opinion that makes my connection better and more fulfilled when i can give someones thanks to me to others as well.
I thought the "same" thing when I was watching this on the news originally.
Many of my colleagues shared their stories about 911 and going to Ground Zero
and how powerful it was for them.

Yes it would be great and maybe we can raise money for that as most of us are in the same boat as you mention! We will hold the thought.

Samantha J. Bennett said:
Wouldn't it be neat if a group of massage therapists could go down and give services to those in need- just by bringing healing touch and some calmness at this stressful time? Maybe still not right now while so much is going on - but in the near future? Unfornately i don't have the money needed to even begin to think of that- i'd only have the time available at the moment. But those of you that possibly have some means should or might look into that. That'd be awesome! wow- i get chills even to think 'bout that. That'd be a pretty great feeling.
Donations are also now being accepted through Partners in Health!

Blessings & Gratitude
Gloria & Privai Academy
If you are organizing a "Massage for Haiti" Event make your announcement here so we all
know where you are and how we can reach you to volunteer or attend!
Erik Dalton has also made a donation that will be raffled off!

Raffles will be on sale monday and I will post the items.

thank so all everyone who has been so generous.

You can also made a donation to:
Partners in Health

Enter: Massage for Haiti (Event)
Zip code: 28803

Donations will go directly to them for medical supplies
Thank you
Bruce Baltz has also organized a fund raising event!
If you are in the NYC area here are the details:

Massage for Haiti: Feb 12th NYC we need NYS LMTs if you would like to partake you can reach me at (Hosted by Oasis Day Spa)
E. NORTH CAROLINA!!! Cat Edwards needs your help to set up an event in the Wilmington Area!

How can you help the people of Haiti? Besides donating cash yourself, host a massage-a-thon! Donate your time, raise money for the many in REAL need tonight, and inspire people in your community! Nothing brings people together like helping others! Before tax season gets underway, have some fun and meet some new clients! If anyone is interested in joining me on one-email me!
Peace Cat

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