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Massage for Haiti - Hands Across America/the world - List Here

First, I want to Acknowledge Cat Edwards for starting this idea! Thank you!

I have organized a "Massage for Haiti" Fund Raiser - Feb 7th, 12-4 at Privai Academy, Asheville NC

Do you have a "Massage for Haiti Event" happening. List it here with your contact information so people can join us.

Travis Alligood and others have mentioned creating an event that spreads across America or the World. Interested? Let's raise a $1,000,000.00 or more!!

How can you help?
Join us!

Come to the event
Spread the word
Start your own event
Donate a gift certificate for our raffle
Send a donation

$1.00/minute for massage, mini facial or reiki
$1.00 raffles will win a service/product/gift certificate

Massage For Haiti at Privai Academy, Asheville, NC will be
raffling off an On Site Massage Chair, A registration to the World Massage Festival, a Home Study Thai Yoga DVD Course, autographed books from some of our favorite massage industry authors, jewelry, herbal products, skin care products and so much more!

Laura Allen and Ruth Werner are donating their book.
Erik Dalton is also making a donation!
And they keep coming - what an awesome pouring out of generosity! LOVE YOU ALL!

 Proceeds will go to a charity for  medical supplies for the people of Haiti!
We have also decided to contribute 25% to a local NC family in need.

I have contacted newspapers, radio stations and Massage Magazine. I am posting flyers in the community and reaching out to everyone I know. Posted on FaceBook too. Any other ideas?

We are so fortunate in so many ways!  How will you help?

Gratitude to all

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Travis Alligood, Salisbury NC in building stages of a Fund raiser ,If you are in the Salsbury NC area I`ve got room for 7 more therapist to do Chair Massage, I have 3 committments but really would like more before getting the ball rolling, let me know if your are interested. I will make sure the space is available for our day. Peace Travis
Interested in creating a fund raising event "Massage for Haiti" - Across America......
Today's Blog!
Many colleagues, including our own Travis Allgood suggested raising a $1,000,000.00 for Haiti.

Do you have an event? Do you need help with setting it up?

Let's see if we can create Hands Across America or better yet Hands across the World "Massage for Haiti"

Contact your local newspapers , radio stations and tv stations. Tell them this is what we are trying to do.
Reach out to your colleagues.

In less than one week have seen so many people come together for the Jan 31st event at Privai. You can do it too!

I have created this website for ANYONE hosting a fund raiser. Please contact me.
If you have donated any items to Massage for Haiti, please let me know and I will list you on our links!

Thanks Everyone!
I wanted to let you know about our efforts for relief in Haiti.

Advanced Massage Techniques continually donates 50% of all online continuing education sales to charity. Through the month of February, all donations will will go to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, and to Heifer International’s Haiti Relief Effort.


Ivy Hultquist
I posted this on (events)

Ivy Hultquist said:
I wanted to let you know about our efforts for relief in Haiti.

Advanced Massage Techniques continually donates 50% of all online continuing education sales to charity. Through the month of February, all donations will will go to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, and to Heifer International’s Haiti Relief Effort.


Ivy Hultquist
The site

Is being updated continuously

More events have been posted!

Cat Edwards now has a fund raiser scheduled for
Jan 31st, MayFair Town Center, Wilmington NC
Contact her at (970) 519-1269
Noon to 6 pm


Keep me posted of your donations and I will post them on the website too!
A beautiful amethyst bracelet just came in contributed by our very own Darcy who
received the donation from Kay Jewelers!

Raffle tickets only $1.00
I am going to take a picture and post when I get a moment
Haiti Update: The number of functioning healthcare facilities has increased to 40, and the number of field hospitals with operating theatres is now at 8 in Port-au-Prince.

Médicins sans Frontièrs (MSF, Doctors Without Borders) reports that it has treated nearly 1000 patients in its surgical facilities. Large quantities of medications, baby formula, and other relief supplies are sitting on the tarmac and in warehouses at the Port-au-Prince airport, but no one is moving it out, according to a report from CNN.

At least 72,000 people have been confirmed dead in the quake, according to Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive.
I am so glad it arrived safe and sound. It is a very Beautiful Bracelet.

Gloria Coppola said:
A beautiful amethyst bracelet just came in contributed by our very own Darcy who
received the donation from Kay Jewelers!

Raffle tickets only $1.00
I am going to take a picture and post when I get a moment
On Site Massage Chair (Grasshopper) has arrived Donated By Massage Warehouse!
$1.00 raffle ticket.

Contact me to purchase.
ALL proceeds are going to Partners in Health for medical supplies

Also Arrived: Thai Yoga DVD Home Study - Donated by Thai Master Michael Buck $250 value
$1.00 raffle ticket for your chance to win (plus shipping)
(Easily ships anywhere)
Just received another beautiful piece of jewelry to raffle off.
Come on All
$1.00 gets you a raffle ticket

Lots of great prizes

This necklace is handmade with green turquoise, silver beads and wood beads. very nice!

You can mail a check made payable to Partners in Health and send to
Privai Academy 6 Roberts Road, Asheville, NC 28803. Att; Gloria

All items will be raffled on Jan 31st at 3:45 pm
You do not have to be present to win.
You will have to pick up your prize or pay for shipping.

Thanks for your support

Remember to donate directly go to:

Travis will have an event soon too! I will post on the website with details

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