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Has anyone  - especially those in Washington State - taken an intraoral massage course?  I am considering pursuing the intraoral massage endorsement but I'm not sure where to turn for training.  Thanks for any leads!

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Intraoral massage was part of the training in my massage school in NC ten years ago. My clinic receives a huge amount of dentist referrals for TMJ work.

I host a one-day class here in my facility 1-2 times a year. Long way for you to travel! There are several pages of classes listed here.

Good Luck!
I studied intra oral work through neuro muscular trainings and cranio sacral therapy.

Here in WA you need to have extra training (16 hours)to work in peoples mouth.

Thanks for the lead, Laura. I enjoyed your ABMP class earlier this week on marketing. You have some great ideas!

Laura Allen said:
Intraoral massage was part of the training in my massage school in NC ten years ago. My clinic receives a huge amount of dentist referrals for TMJ work.

I host a one-day class here in my facility 1-2 times a year. Long way for you to travel! There are several pages of classes listed here.

Good Luck!
Julie - This is perfect. The class takes place just up the street from me, so I'm good to go!

Julie Onofrio said:

Here in WA you need to have extra training (16 hours)to work in peoples mouth.

Laura, this is something I've been interested in learning, too. Would you be so kind as to let me (us) know next time you plan on offering this in NC? I sure would appreciate it. ~m
I teach a CranioSacral Therapy course as an instructor at the NW Academy of Healing Arts in Lakewood, (Tacoma) WA. I will be giving a 16 hour IntraOral class for the WA IntraOral Endorsement requirement this coming weekend
On Sat Nov 6 2010 and Sunday Nov 7th. The school will do another class sometime in early 2011 if
You don't get this response in time to attend this seminar, please feel free to email me for further information at
Intraoral work is so important for many people. A client of mine was first introduced to me because of TMJ that had worn into the bone. She had been going to oral surgeons for 4 years trying to get the surgery to correct her jaw. The problem was as long as the erosion progressed they would not do surgery. They needed a year of stability. When she first came to me it was 6 months after her last xray. The jaw was much worse according to her statement than when she had the xray. her bite was much closure. She couldn't eat hard foods because the teeth didn't line up and the molars didn't meet.

It took a half hour every week or every other week for one year to not only stabilize but reverse the positioning. It returned to the point when it had been xrayed the year before. Another 6 months convinced the surgeon that it was now stable. The surgery was performed a couple months ago. She plans to come in monthly for maintenance as the surgeons warned it can return.

Four days after surgery I visited her for a treatment. Her face was badly swollen. The surgeon had said it wasn't reacting well.
I did one hour of "Touch of Jade Lymphatic Massage" and her swelling radically dropped. The next day she was examined by the surgeon. This time she was healing well and he was surprised by how little swelling there was. ;-)

I was using oral craniosacral therapy interior and exterior combined with MFR and KMT.

Great stuff.
Intraoral massage rocks my world!!!!!  serriously during school I waited all year for the NMT jaw work and then it exceeded my expectations.  It really really helped me be more comfortable, since i clench my teeth at night and have and expendsive front night gaurd. After this it fell out at night and my jaw clicked much less for 4 months.  I was wondering how do bulid up referals from dentist.  I have done some cold calling to offering to demonstate the technique but that hasn't gotten me very far even with my own dentist. (too busy?)
I recommend classes from Upledger, cranio sacral 1 & 2. you need 1 to ge tto 2, which is where they cove oral. Not the cheapest by far, but the best teachers & the most respected certifications.

Im a Structural Integration Practitioner here in Wa. I have been Doing intraoral work for about 5 years now, I thought to my self Well I guess I better get the training to make the state happy, So I looked around but could not seem to find any that I thought I would enjoy and certainly not any  advanced courses.

  I keept saying to my self I should just put one together myself, until I found ....  ,If I don't make my own certification, Ill take it here!


I do  Intra-Oral Work mostly with patient seated,     try it.


Be well

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